Entry 39 - "And the Top Is..."

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Hello guys! So sorry for the late update. I just wanted to inform you guys that this is pan-panda_india and for some reasons Carolyn is going to be off wattpad for a while so I will be writing the next chapters for WTSO. I hope you guys enjoy reading it :)


It all felt like a dream. It was too good to be true. The way things changed around made me feel as though it couldn't be real. Thomas was being open and affectionate and I felt like I was over the moon. Things that happened recently kept swirling around in my mind. I remembered how close we sat when listening to his favorite songs and how his dark eyes would light up whenever he made me listen to the songs he loved.

His warmth radiating off of him and how he looked so excited just to be sharing his music with me. It was like he was showing me a part of him that wasn't accessible to anyone else but me. I felt happy.

Cam barged into my room without any qualms about it and I sat up straight.

"Hello!" He chirped and I raised an eyebrow.

I wanted to ask him about Jay and what happened but I didn't want intrude because of how Jay had reacted when Cam cried yesterday.

"How did it go with Jay?" I ask.

"Great," He sighs dreamily.

"I would have smacked you in the head if you had screwed this up."

"Ooh, scary." He says sarcastically so I hit him on the head.

"Think before you try me, bitch."  I say a little too excited which results with a pillow thrown at my face,

"That hurt, Alex!" he whines.

"Did you find out?" I ask leaning in closer trying to get the answer to my doubts about Cole and Raymond.

"Of course, I did." He says, "Aaaaanddd the top is....... Cole."

I gape at him because I mean, I won the bet, obviously but it's still kinda surprising.

"I can't believe you asked Cole." I shake my head, "I mean I am not surprised considering how you have zero shame but I still find it hard to believe."

He narrows his eyes at me,

"I can't believe that you made me do this for free."  He says, "Why did I even help you out? I should have let suffer from curiosity."

I place a hand over my heart and say,

"You did this because of our friendship, of course and technically you didn't do this for free. You asked me about the time I had a crush on Jay."

He scoffs. I am about to ask him about Jay even though I'm sure I wouldn't get a serious answer from Cam. I hear the door open and see Thomas coming in and I smile,

"I won the bet!" I grin victoriously and smug, "Pay up!"

Cam looks amused and Thomas shakes his head like he usually does when thinks I am being childish. Whatever, I'd rather be childish.

"Like I would believe you." Thomas says and I frown, "There's no way Raymond is a bottom."

"Cam asked Cole about it." I say.

Thomas looks shocked that Cam actually asked him. I admire Cam's directness sometimes.

"Pay up now, Tommy."

He cocks his head to side and stares at me a little. He looks so adorable!

"I am gonna go." Cam says, "Wouldn't want to disturb you love birds."

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