Entry 33 - Impeccable Timing

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I don't think I stopped smiling the whole way home. It's not just that he kissed me, although that in itself was pretty amazing. It was also the fact that he held my hand when we walked out, and I'm pretty sure I saw him smirking at the guy who was staring at me earlier. He didn't say much on the car ride home, but it wasn't an awkward silence, and he smiled whenever our eyes met.

I think even he was surprised at how he had acted, and as soon as we got to the palace, he went off to do some princely thing he was supposed to have done before we left.

Open arriving at our rooms, I was surprised to hear voices coming from inside. Since it was my rooms, I wasn't scared to go in. It was probably just the maids or something. Maybe there are guy maids here or something.

I opened the door to see Alan and Jay sitting on the couch, and Cameron standing a few feet away, in the middle of a telling some story. My smile widened, if possible, and I ran over and jumped on Cameron.

"It's about time you got here! We've been waiting in here for an hour." He informed me after squeezing the life out of me.

"I was eating dinner."

"So we heard. You look pretty dressed up. Was it a date?" He and Jay exchanged a glance that I was too busy thinking about Thomas to notice.

"I guess you could call it that." I walked towards the bedroom, pulling off my tie as I went.

"If that lovestruck smile says anything at all, I'd guess that things are going pretty good between you two."

It was Jay who spoke this time, and I turned to grin at him.

"I think they are. He kissed me for the first time tonight." Remembering the feel of his lips on mine, I almost brought my hand to touch where they had been, but I remembered that I wasn't alone and that Cameron would no doubt laugh at me if I did.

"Then things are definitely going good! What made him kiss you? Was it good?" Cameron was almost jumping with excitement.

"This guy was staring at me, and he got all jealous and it was super cute. And yes of course it was. It was amazing."

"So where is he now? Shouldn't you guys be like sucking each others face off right about now?"

"Cameron, shut up. We are taking things really slow. In fact, I don't think he would have kissed me if it hadn't been for that guy."

"Then get him jealous again and get some. It hurts my heart to see you two throwing away this perfect opportunity. I mean you guys sleep in the same room!"

By this time was thoroughly embarrassed and wished Cameron would stop. I stood there, awkwardly playing with the tie in my hands.

"How am I supposed to get him jealous again? It's not like I planned for that guy to be there."

"I'm so glad you asked. Take a seat." He pointed to a chair that I reluctantly loved towards, knowing that this conversation was just going to get a whole lot more awkward.

"Well it seems to me that if a guy looking at you got him to kiss you for the first time, you kissing some other guy should do the trick."

"I'm not kissing some random—"

"No not someone random. Someone you know so that they know you aren't serious."

"Cameron, this is ridiculous , and will only make things complicated. Besides, I'm not kissing you, if that's what you mean."

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