Entry 27 - "Will I Be Scarred For Life?"

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"Is it too early to pay a visit?"

"It's the evening. What do you mean too early?"

"Is it too early to go visit Elliot?"

Thomas sighed, and looked up from his book, his finger marking where he must have left off.

"It's only been two weeks. I know they didn't go on a honeymoon, but still, it seems a little early—"


"Unless you have a reason." He finished, ignoring my interruption.

"I've been wracking my brain, and I can't think of any good excuse, except that I'm worried about him, but I don't think Jasper cares about that."

He looked over at my feet on the pillow next to him, and grinned.

"Do your feet always move that much when you're thinking?"

"That is the sign of feet that want to pace the room, but I'm too tired to get up."

"You know, most people use the pillow for their head."

"No, really?" I sat up on my elbows to give him a withering stare. "And all this time...of course I know that!"

"Alright, forget I mentioned it." He held up his hands defensively, and dropped back down onto my back.

"Sometimes it's just fun to do things different then they are supposed to be, you know?"

"I guess."

I lay there in silence for a few moments longer, flipping my phone and catching it. I don't exactly know why I was doing that, but I just couldn't keep still when I was trying to work something out in my mind. I just had to be doing something.

"You're going to drop that on your face."

"I am not." I argued, throwing the phone a little higher. Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, I saw him shrug noncommittally.

"Whatever, it's not my face that's going to hurt when it falls."

"You just read your book, and I'll worry about my face."

"Deal." He said, a little too quickly for my liking. Seriously, he read like every night out of that same huge book.

"What are you reading anyways?" I asked after a minute of silence, and a few phone flips later.

"Hmm?" He tilted his head slightly towards me, but kept his eyes trained on the book, eyes darting back and forth as he read each line.

"Damn." I breathed out before I had time to stop myself. He was just too attractive to be real, with his lips parted slightly, and that light in his eyes.

"What?" He blinked, finally tearing his gaze away from the book to look at me.

For that one second, neither of us spoke a word, and I wished it could have gone on like that. Just me looking into those deep, mesmerizing eye, without having to look away before things got awkward or strained.

With an effort, I pulled myself out of the trancelike state I was falling into, and cleared my throat.

"I asked what book you were reading."

"Oh, umm," He blinked again, and for a second I dared to think that maybe I wasn't the only one getting lost in someone's eyes.

"It's the Count of Monte Cristo." I found it funny that after he had been reading it all this time, he still had to check the cover before he remembered the title.

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