Entry 5 - Alan

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So I was kind of left with three options. Follow the whining man, stay with his brother, or go exploring on my own. I chose the last option.

It was only a minute before I was helplessly lost, but no one was really around, so I decided I'd just keep exploring.

I stumbled into a room that must have been someone's living room. It was much more comfortable looking than most I had seen so far. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that it was smaller and less grand then others. I was about to leave when I heard voices and footsteps.

"Come back here! I'm trying to talk to you." Elliot walked in.

"When you are done being an asshole, I will converse with you!" He called over his shoulder, then looked forward and noticed me. Confusion flashed across his eyes, but he smiled nonetheless.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm lost."

"Oh I see! I was wondering how the hell you got here. Well, you have stumbled upon my humble abode, so sit down and make yourself at home.

This is my beautiful living room, and attached is another beautiful sitting room-"

"Elliot, I'm done being an asshole, I promise! Let's talk." A man, probably in his late teens, walked into the living room from the other room. He noticed me, and glanced at Elliot quickly.

"And that is my beautiful friend named Alan. And Alan, that is the door." The man took his hint, and walked towards the door. He was about to leave, but I was curious to know more about him.

"I'm Alex." I cut in, and held out my hand for the man to shake.

"Alan." He was a inch or two shorter than me, His blue eyes glanced at Elliot, who huffed.

"I suppose you can stay." Alan grinned, and plopped down on the couch next to where Elliot had just sat down.

"Alan is a Viscount, so you are gonna be way higher up then him when you marry Thomas." Alan started and looked at me with pity.

"You're marrying Thomas? That guy's an asshole! What are you marrying him for?"

"Well, that's encouraging to know." Elliot whacked Alan's arm sharply.

"Thomas may be an asshole, but that's doesn't mean you get to call him one. Alex is marrying him so that all gays in our country can have the right to get married. His marriage seals the deal with my father."

Alan looked at me in admiration. "You would marry a homophobic prick-" Elliot whacked his arm again, and he rubbed it gingerly.

"I didn't even say asshole!"

"You're right, you didn't. Sorry about that. Carry on." He patted Alan's arms gently, where he had just whacked him.

"I was saying, before I got so rudely I interrupted, that you would marry a homophobic prick like Thomas for that?" His eyes held a respect, and they met Elliot's quickly.

"Yes." I seriously was reconsidering this whole thing. Thomas was getting worse and worse as far as I could see.

"I would kiss you right now if you weren't about to get married." Tears stood out in his eyes, and I think seeing their faces made me remember why this was worth it.

"That's fine. You don't have to kiss me to let me know you are happy. I can tell. I'm guessing you are into men as well?"

"Well, not really men, more like a man." He looked over at Elliot, and my slow mind finally put all the pieces together. "If only..." His voice trailed off, and his fist clenched angrily on his knee.

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