Entry 4 - Brothers

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"Yes, my name's Alexander, but only my mom calls me that. Everyone else just calls me Alex." He nodded, and stood there awkwardly.

"Listen, I'm sorry about this. Dad kind of put you in a very difficult situation." Well, at least he was civil.

"Yeah, it was a bit of a dick move, but pretty smart when you come to think of it. Sounds to me like you are in a difficult situation too."

"What do you mean?" His dark eyes flashed dangerously, and I held up my hands.

"I'm just talking about you being straight and all. Calm down, man."

"Oh right. Sorry about that. It's been a weird day." He sat down on the bed. I couldn't help but wonder what else he could have been thinking of that made him snap like that.

"Tell me about it." I sat down as well, staying a few feet away. "Well, betrothed husband, when's the date gonna be?"

"I'm not sure yet. Dad wants it to be soon though." He played with his hands, staring down at them. "Are you really okay with this?"

Can I just pause the story for a second to talk about how cute he looked right then? Like seriously! He was being all nice, and his dark eyes held actual concern. Damn, this man was attractive and he wasn't even trying!

"Yeah, I am. I don't have any problem with you, and if it means all the other people like me have freedom to marry whoever they want, I'll gladly do it."

"Okay then. So, do you want to see around the palace?" He stood up, and when I stood, I realized that he was a good three inches taller than me.

"Sure." I followed him out the door, and he started walking the opposite direction of where I had come from.

"So, where you met us is kind of at the end of all the official meeting rooms or state rooms, and this area is where we all live."

One of the doors burst open, and a tall, shirtless man, came jogging out. He apparently didn't see Thomas, because he ran right into him. Besides the fact that he ran straight at him, it was an unfortunate accident.

"Wow! Watch where you are walking Thomas!" Thomas scowled at the man who was just as tall as him, and who stood there grinning from ear to ear.

"What the hell are you doing running around without a shirt on, and running into me?"

"First of all, I didn't run into you. You are in my hallway, so if I don't see you, that's your problem. Second of all, I, unlike you, do what I like, and if I like running around shirtless I do that." He seemed to notice me for the first time, and flashed me a grin.

"Oh, you must be the guy dad's trying to have Thomas marry, aren't you? Well, he's not much to look at, but will you have him?" Thomas clearly looked annoyed, but the newcomer didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he looked like he rather enjoyed it.

"I've decided to pass over his looks, and marry him for his money instead." The man high-fived me and grinned at Thomas.

"Oh, Thomas, you guys are going to have so much fun! I'm Raymond, by the way, this guy's older brother."

"I'm Alex." I held out his hand, and he took it in his.

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