Entry 42 - Separate Rooms

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"Is she fucking serious? Separate rooms?" I shut the door behind me quickly, glaring at him for not waiting until we were completely alone to talk. He was already pacing the small spare room, and he looked like he had had more than enough of my family for one day.

"Could you quiet down and stop swearing in my mom's house? Honestly, you're acting like a child. No one said we have to listen to her anyways."

"And why the hell does she hate me so much? Maybe she's giving us separate rooms so she can sneak in here tonight and murder me."

"Oh stop being so melodramatic. She hates you because she thinks you forced me to marry you, and that you've probably been a dick to me ever since. I'll try and convince her otherwise, but you should know that she's extremely stubborn, and isn't very easily talked out of an opinion."

"Alex!" He whined, and sat down on the bed. "Everybody hates me." He allowed himself to fall backwards on the bed, and closed his eyes. It had been a long drive, and we were both tired.

"They don't hate you. I know for sure that my dad doesn't. I thought he was being pretty nice to you."

"Okay maybe he was fine, but he's kind of a bit much, and your mom was glaring daggers at me. Then your sister Bethany started asking me about Raymond as soon as I met her. I got so sick of it that I told her he was with a guy and now she hates me too." I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"She doesn't hate you. Everyone here is just a little...dramatic." He opened his eyes, tilting his head up slightly to look at me.

"A little? Your family is the definition of extra. And that includes you."

"I'd be offended if you excluded me. I'm the most extra Williams ever. I think I've made family history with how extra I am."

"And you all talk so fucking much. Does no one here understand the beauty of silence?"

"Of...what was that again?"

"Exactly!" He huffed in frustration, and I brushed back the hair that had fallen onto his forehead, scooting closer to him on the bed.

"Thank you." I ran my hand through his hair, and he looked up at me with a question in his eyes. "For doing this. For putting up with my family. As annoying as you find them, I've missed them like hell."

"If you are happy, then it's worth it. I'd put up with all the William's aunts and uncles, cousins and distant relatives if that's who you wanted to see."

"When did you get to be so nice?" I leant down and kissed him softly.

"I've always been this nice. What took you so long to notice?"

I laughed and kissed him again, this time a little harder. One of his hands came up to the back of neck, and he pushed himself up with the other until he was level with me. I kept my hands in his hair, loving the feeling of its softness between my fingers.

"How much do you want to bet that someone in your family is either going to burst in here in a few seconds?" Thomas whispered breathlessly when he finally pulled away.

"Why don't we just save ourselves the embarrassment and lock the door?" I suggested.

"Yeah, but...the door is so far away." He leaned his forehead against mine. "And I'm so tired and just want to stay here and kiss you."

"You know, you're pretty cute when you are tired." He grimaced.

"I'm not cute, I'm sexy." Even he had to laugh at how childish he sounded right now.

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