Part 11

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Tuesday's main chore started the minute Ava went to school.

I saddled up Storm and Tristan's horse, Diva, and called out to Dustin.

"You ready?" I smiled at him.

Dustin looked nervous. "I don't know. It's been so long since I rode one."

"It's like riding a bike." I grinned as I pulled myself up.

"What are we doing again?"

I turned Storm around in a circle. "We are looking for my missing cows." I stated as Dustin pulled himself on.

I noticed how tight his grip was on the reins. "Relax." I told him as I dug my heels in. Storm went forward in to a trot and I was halfway across the paddock, waiting for Dustin.

"Come on." I laughed at him. He looked every bit like he belonged out here. His faded jeans and boots, his plain shirt. He had a slight stubble on his chin and I gave him a spare hat earlier.

When Dustin finally caught up, I told him to whip the reins and we went to a gallop. He stayed either next to me or behind me, but he never went in front of me.

We trekked for 40 minutes through the open paddocks and some small bushland before I found three female cows.

"Well I'll be damned." Dustin muttered.

In a simple sweep, I took the rope and lassoed one cow, handing the rope to Dustin.

"Who taught you that?" He asked in amazement. I grinned at him.

"You'll be surprised at what I know." I answered him as I set up the next rope.

"Why are you bringing them in?"

I swung the lasso and hooked the second cow. "Because, these are my milkers, and I can't let them roam if they are pregnant."

I pulled in the rope, telling the cow to come forward. I handed that rope to Dustin as well as I slid off the horse with the last rope.

"I need to keep an eye on them if they are pregnant. So I will need the vet to come back out to give them needles." I frowned. Bugger. They all are due for needles.

I roped in the third and handed the rope to Dustin as I got back up on Storm. I took the ropes and tied them to the saddle.

"You seem like an expert in this." Dustin said as we rode back to the barn.

I shrugged. "I have no choice but to know this stuff."

"Have you ever thought of just moving? Somewhere simpler?"

I laughed. "Everyday. But what it really boils down to is money. Money is what gets people to places."

I wiped my brow and turned to Dustin. "Do you know what it's like to live hand to mouth? To stress when the electricity company is going to cut your power? Stressing when you have no food and there is a child you have to put before yourself?"

I saw him shake his head.

"I didn't think so." I mumbled.

Dustin seemed to be getting the hang of the horse, he looked more relax. I looked behind me on my three girls. They were grudgingly following, not by choice.

We got inside the paddock I wanted them in and closed the gate. It was only a small field, one that I could see them in all the time without them wondering off.

We rode the horses in to the barn and I slid of Storm, Dustin following with Diva.

I showed Dustin how to remove everything of the mare and after I did that with Storm, we brushed the horses down.

"Thank you so much for fixing my car. I really don't know what I would have done without it." I said to Dustin as I brushed Storm, rubbing his nose at the same time.

"It's the least I can do, with you letting me stay here for the fortnight."

I smiled as I put Storm back in to the paddock.

After I finished in the barn, I continued on with my chores inside the house, including bagging up the fruit and sterilising milk bottles. I made lunch for Dustin and me and delivered it to him in the barn.

It was a warm day and I was glad that I wore shorts and singlet, but my caffeine hit was needed.

I put Dustin's lunch on the table and I took my half empty coffee mug and climbed up the hay bales in the corner. I peeked at the landing in the barn and smiled.

My possum family were snuggled in the corner. I noticed there were possums again a couple weeks ago.

I sat down and enjoyed my view of my farm. It was messy and hectic and mine. I smiled at my hard work.

"What has you so happy?" Dustin called down to me. I shook my head.

"Your lunch is there." I said as I finished my coffee and jumped down. "I have things to do in town. I'll be back later." I rushed out off the barn and to the car.


After Ava and I finished our chores and she was freshly bathed. We sat down for dinner and did our nightly routine of her reading her homework to me while I crotchet.

Once she was in bed, I finished the dishes with Dustin. We were chatting when I heard a commotion from the hen house.

"Bloody foxes!" I swore as I went to the broom closet and pulled out my rifle.

Dustin followed me with a torch as we ventured down to the hen house.

I saw the brush of the tail as I shot the rifle. The sound echoed in the night and unsettled the fowls.

"Do you know how to use a rifle?" I asked Dustin as I reloaded, turning to see him impressed.

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