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" we don't believe, we only fear "

It has been five years since Alec Spencer had accepted the position of Mayor in the small English village tucked away within the vast French Alps. It had been a split second decision when Marchelle announced that she was carrying their seventh child.

A substancial amount of debt, as well as a failing career in Politics made Alec believe that it was the right decision. A new start far away from the bustling tonne and high societal expectations.

The first year he had been working as an assistant to the Mayor, watching as the old man taught him the inner workings of the town, and after the year he took over, still consulting the old man when needed.

Mayor Browne and his wife had moved to a log cabin away from the town, but frequently visited as they had grown fond of the Spencer Family.

Clarissa Browne was especially excited to help Marchelle through the last few months of pregnancy, and shared in the joys the couple felt when their first daughter was born.

They were good times for the town and as a fruitful harvest came in and flocks birthed fat offspring the superstitious townfolk started to believe that the Spencers were indead good for the town.

But suddenly during the last winter things started to take a dark turn.

Farmers started to report a beast roaming the mountains, attacking their flock as it went. The reports were obscure and strange as each man in their moment of terror merely caught a glimpse of the creature.

Alec had brushed it off, calming the townfolk by convincing them that its merely a mountain lion. But the people remained unconvinced.

The moment Alec started to worry about whatever was out there was the day two farming families informed him that they were leaving the town.

Seeing as the town itself was cut off from the rest of the world the farmers were crucial to the survival of the town as the odd mountain goat or seasonal deer was not enough to sustain the people. There was nothing Alec could offer the farmers to convince them to stay, their fear was overwhelming.

"I don't know what to do." He admitted to old Mayor Browne as they sat by the fire drinking whiskey one evening. "How can I believe something that sounds like it came out of a fairytale?"

Mayor Browne leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixated on the orange flames dancing in the heath. "We do not have to believe something to fear its exsistance." He sipped his liqor thoughtfully. "Perhapse you should employ someone to get rid of the beast. Then, even if it is a harmless creature, everyone will be at peace."

And so Alec took his advise. The hunt for the beast began with a few men ralling together in hoping to earn the heafty paycheck which came with the job. But soon it became apparant that they were not suited for the job and so Alec finally came across Robert De Vere.

Robert was a mercenary of sorts, traveling the country with his trusted axe. He informed Alec that he would stay as long as it takes to kill the monster.

"Amore, how can you trust such a man?" Marchelle asked him, her Parisian accent heavy in her delicate voice as she rocked Angelica in her lap. The five year old had only just fallen asleep, but Marchelle didn't have the heart to wake her.

"He is our last hope belle." He spoke, brushing the golden curls from his daughters forehead. "I need to make this town safe. For you, for our children, for everyone."

Marchelle sighed. "I promised you I would follow you everywhere." Her slender hand cupped his rough cheek. "I will trust you."

Alec leaned closer to his wife of twenty years, placing a kiss on her forehead.

His Parisian beauty might have aged over the years, but to him she remained the most beautiful woman in the world. She gave him a reason to live, to fight and he knew, he always knew since the moment they stood before the priest that he could never love anyone else.

When Robert began his hunt for the beast he started by observing the farmers and where the flocks grazed as well as where the attacks took place. Alec was impressed by the man's methods as it was the same English Detectives would use, which brought forth more questions about the man.

Alec was adimant about befriending the stranger and invited him to a celebration of Angelica's birthday. The rugged man kept to himself mostly, sipping his brandy while his eyes observed the room.

"Fine family you have here." He told Alec later during the evening. "Especially the girl, she's going to be a beauty when she grows older."

Alec chuckled, his gaze landing on Angelica as she danced around the room, appearing like an angel in her white dress and golden curls. "She takes after her mother." He commented. Earning a grunt from Robert.

The lively girl ran to her father who welcomed her with open arms. "Papa! Look!" She exclaimed in excitement holding out her delicate wrist which sported a thin golden bracelet with intricate engraving, no doubt a gift from the city. "Miss Williams gave it to me."

"Its beautiful my dear." He responded to her toothy grin. "Just like you." The girl giggled as her father set her down and ran toward some of the town's kids.

"Sweet thing like her is bound to attract a lot of attention." Robert mumbled to himself under his breathe.

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