Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, Carien Stemmet. She recently lost someone very close to her and since she has always been there for me, even when I was going through the worst time of my life, I decided to fulfil the promise I made to her a long time ago.

Carien, it may not be a best seller yet, but I'll get there someday. Thank you for all your support and always being my shoulder to cry on. Be strong my friend, I know you're going to get through this.

" if you live among the wolves you have to act like a wolf "

Clarissa Browne had lived in the town since she was a little girl.

She had seen people come and go, even burried her fair share. But never had she felt such relief when she found out about someone's departure.

Robert De Vere had been the cause of her sleepless nights since the day she handed Angelica over to him for a few days.

She saw the way he looked at the little girl, with such longing and hearbreak that she could have sworn they were lovers. She might not be Angelica's blood, but she cared for the girl and would not see someone as dark as Robert taint her.

Alec had shown up at her home, reeking of smoke to claim back his daughter, he promised the little girl that he would never abandon her again and soon enough his children returned to their home, Joseph being the exception.

Sunday afternoon she had been invited for lunch and Clarissa was all too happy to oblidge.

"They all seem very happy." Clarissa compented after lunch when the children went outside to play and the adult retired to the drawing room.

"It has been a good week." Alec admitted. "We have all been through so much, I am only to glad we are able to move on now."

Clarissa smiled. "Of course."

"You know, the children would need someone to take care of them when I return to office again." Alec said, hoping the old woman would understand.

"I like my little house. Its quiet and serene." Alec nodded in understanding. "Perhapse now that it is safe again, Angelica might come to me for her schooling."

"That sounds wonderful! I'm sure she would be delighted."

The afternoon dragged on and as the sun lowered in the sky, the old woman decided to go home.

"Are you sure I shouldn't send one of the boys with you?" Alec questioned as they bid her farewell.

Clarissa waved her hand in dismissal. "Oh nonsense, I can manage on my own." She turned to Angelica. "I will see you tomorrow morning my dear."

The little girl gave her a toothy grin. "See you tomorrow Grandma!"

Clarissa walked through the town she had been a resident to since she herself was young. For years she had been the Mayor's wife, and before that the dressmaker's daughter.

All around people waved at her and greeted as they went about their day enjoying the blissfull afternoon which follow the morning sermon.

"Mrs Browne." Luc greeted as Clarissa passed a little booth he had erected in the town square.

"Good Afternoon Lucas, what have you got there?" She asked, pointing to the box.

"Oh, these are the silver coins Mr Alec made for everyone." He said tilting the box to the side to show her.

The coins were glittering and shining in the afternoon sun, and Clarissa had to squint against their glare.

"Seems people are eager to rid themselves of anything which reminds them on the whole ordeal." Luc explained.

Clarissa's fingers wrapped around her own pendant. "They have a point." She said. "Terrible thing that happened to the boy." She said as she unclasped her own necklace and dropped it into the box. "It's for the best. Everyone can rest easy now that the he's gone."

Silence fell between the two before Clarissa bid him farewell and carried on. The forest was turning dark and shadows fell over the ground, but the old woman wasn't afraid.

She walked proudly, shoulders squared and head held high.

The path to her home was covered in newly sprouted wildflowers and a red admiral butterfly fluttered between the brush.

Its crimson wings set it down on one of the flowers and Clarissa stopped to watch. The butterfly's wings moved delicately and elegantly as it rested.

Another approached Clarissa, a monarch and rested on her outstreched palm. "Fitting." She said, as a smile tugged at her lips.

She concidered herself the unspoken leader of the village, the one person who everyone always went to in need. She cared for the Spencer Family, but she had her doubts that Alec could ever lead the people as they were intended.

The red admiral fluttered away but the moarch remained. A thought crossed Clarissa's mind and her hand started to close on its own.

She could feel the helpless flutter of its wings against her skin as her fingers closer around the butterfly. But before they cpuld crush it, it flew away.

Clarissa remained standing for a moment more, looking on as the butterfly disapeared.

Though she would never admit it, she had thought about dethroning Alec, a nudge down the stairs, poison in his whiskey. No one would ever suspect an old woman.

But she shook her head. The children needed a father.

Her little house, hidden within the forest, guarded by the ancient trees came into view and Clarissa stopped by the headstone of her late husband. She kissed her fingers before pressing them against the stone.

She sighed as she walked up the steps, and didn't blink an eye of freeze as the dark shadow appeared behind her.

"I suppose you'd want to talk." She said as she unlocked the door. Her eyes rolled when she was met by silence, and only briefly did she turn her head when she opened the door.

"Well come on in then, Alpha."

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