Chapter 6

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" we're all a little mad here "

The forest at night was silent as the tomb. Large trees sprouted from the ground to intimidate the mere man who stumbled between their roots.

There was no beauty in this darkness, no relief in the silence. There was only the essense of a sinister presence. The hunter and the hunted.

A promise of two evils clashing in an epic battle settled in the air. The forest held its breathe as man and beast stalked ever closer to one another.

Alec tried to remain as alert as his bourbon fuel senses allowed him to be, his rifle extended in front of him akwardly. His clothes were wrinkled and heavy bags rested under his eyes. He looked like a madman, and to anyone who laid eyes upon him, the insanity which ruled over his mind was so clear.

For in his mind he was hunting the beast, but the wolf knew who was the one which preyed on the other.

"Come out!" Alec shouted into the air. "I know you're here, no sense in hiding."

The beast moved within the shadows.

Alec turned around, a scold etched onto his face. "Come out you bastard!"

The beast circled its prey.

The earth held its breathe as the mighty beast crouched down, haunches raised. Its teeth bared as a growl rumbled in its chest. Its pelt was like silk in the moonlight, it was beautiful no doubt, but it was deadly as well.

Golden eyes, like fire, locked on the helpless prey.

A pause. A moment of silence, and then suddenly...

A scream echoed through the air. The beast, alerted, disappeared into the night.

Alec ran towards the screams.

But it was not the doing of the beast as Alec had hoped.

By the time the sun rose over the village, everyone knew that another loss had befallen them. Aaron had fallen victim to the beast.

It appeared as if the monster had a personal vendetta against the Spencer family. And people were frightened.

In a rush of panic they voted to remove Alec from the position of Mayor, but no other man would step to the plate, leaving the town in the hands of Father David.

Alec didn't fight for his position, nor did he answer when his son's came calling. Joseph had decided to move back to London with his new wife, he wanted to take the three younger siblings along, but Alec refused, even pointing his gun at the young man.

Alec came to Robert, reeking of wine and vomit. "I know who it is." He spoke in slurred words. "Its that bastard Adam." He mummbled.

Robert frowned. "What evidence do you have? You can't sentence a man to death on the grounds of suspition."

Alec swayed, nearly toppling over had he not grabbed onto the wall. "I saw him. He was running away when I arrived at Aaron's side."

The younger man shook his head, grasping Alec as he lead him inside the house. He made him sat down just as a sleepy Angelica came into the room clutching her favourite doll. "Papa?"

For the first time since his wife's death, Alec took a long look at his daughter. She had grown in the past few months, and was growing taller. Her curls were getting longer and her face fuller. Her blissful maiden years were approaching and soon his little girl would be grown.

"Angel? Why are you here?" He asked her as she walked closer, but kept her distance.

The girl grasped Robert's pant leg. "Grandma is sick. Mister Robert said I could stay here." Robert lifted the girl onto his hip.

"She has nowhere else to go Alec. She needs her father."

Alec lowered his head into his hands. For the first time he was no longer ruled by anger or grief and he realised he had not been a father to his children. And though his head was telling him to end the madness, his heart sought revenge.

"I need to find him first Robert. If I don't I might go mad." He rose from his seat and left as his daughter called out behind him.

He didn't turn back.

Alec spend the next few days gathering a group of men from the village, convincing the fear stricken people that Adam was the wolf. The once kept secret Robert had entrusted him with was out and everyone agreed, an abomination such as this had to die.

They marched to Adam's house, Alec at the healm.

He knocked on the unsuspecting man's door. Adam opened, frowning as his eyes landed on the crowd. "What's going on?"

Alec stepped to the side. "Seize him." He ordered.

"What are you doing?" Adam exclaimed horrified as two men appeared in his doorway and grabbed him by the arms and start dragging him to the town centre.

"I am reclaiming this town." Was all Alec said.

Adam was tied to a post, screaming and begging for them to stop, but the men continued to add wood to the pile surrounding him.

Alec lit a torch stepped closer. "Adam, you are hereby sentenced to the crime of being a monster. You have terrorised and murdered innocent people in this town and therefor you must die. How do you plead?"

Adam was sobbing. "Please! I'm innocent! Please! I am not a monster!"

"I saw you, you were there when my son was killed." Alec announced. "I, Alec Spencer, sentence you to death."

"No! No! Please!" He begged as the wood caught fire. He begged and pleaded, crying as the flames licked his skin.

Robert watched from the shadows, his axe slung across his back. He had packed his possessions and saddled his horse. He held so much regret for uttering a word, for even coming to the aid of the god forsaken town.

He shook his head. He could no longer help the people he had come to care for.

Madness would consume the town, and where madness reigns, Death follows.

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