Chapter 13

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" hellfire , dark fire "

Robert watched as the young girl he had grown so attached to bend down amongst the small white wild flowers. With her red cape fastened around her neck, her hood drawn, she appeared almost like a drop of blood. 

Her fingers wrapped around the delicate little flower's stem, yanking it from the ground. First one, then another and another and another until she had a reasonably sized bouquet.

It was a ceremony for her, one she did every month.

An innocent habit.

She would soon take the footpath to Mrs Browne's house and lay the flowers before her door. She would knock, but Clarissa would not answer.

Robert often wondered when she would stop, when her hope would dwindle away. But Angelica never showed any sign of giving up.

Her eyes glanced over her shoulder, meeting his before she returned to her task.

"She will never answer." He spoke. She merely shrugged her shoulders.

Robert sighed and walked closer to her. "Your father said that Luc has asked for your hand." She paused. "Does he make you happy?"

Again, she shrugged.

Robert snarled, grabbing her by the cloak and lifting the girl to her feet. "Are you going to agree to the arrangement?"

Angelica merely looked in his eyes, hers were wide and frightened.

He shook her, pulling her ever closer to his chest. "Tell me!"

Angelica shook her head, her fists slamming against his chest as she tried to push him away.

"Angelica! Angelica!" He grabbed her fists, pushing her against one of the trees. "Stop it."

She still tried to wretch herself away from him.

Robert's hand went around her neck, and once he could retain a strong enough grip, he squeezed.

Angelica gasped, clawing at the hand, and for a moment her struggling ceased.

"Now, you are going to listen to me." He sneered. "You are going to leave this place with me tonight." Her eyes widened, but Robert ignored her and continued. "We are going to leave this fucking town and never look back."

His grip on her pale neck loosened. "Do you understand?"

She nodded.

Robert's frame relaxed and he kissed her forehead. He pulled her into his embrace, and for a moment remained like that.

"Now go." He pushed her away from him, and Angelica took off running towards the town.

Robert sighed, his eyes taking in the surrounding forest. It was peaceful and quiet, but within the shadows hid secrets so vile and unholy.

When the sun set and the night crept its way over the valley, the town folk would burn Michonne. The wolf would not come again once its siren has perished.

Robert would take Angelica with him, first to the city where Marcus would feel the undeniable pull and come to her. Once he is eliminated he would take his prize to America.

Their freedom was so close he could taste it.

Ten years he waited for her to grow, to when the society would deem their relationship acceptable. And now he could wait no longer.

She was finally his.

Robert stalked off towards the village. The town's folk had gathered in the town square, and two men were tying Michonne to a pyre.

She was screaming all the while, begging for her life. "You don't understand." She pleaded. "I'm not a witch."

"You can plead all you want Michonne. But tonight you will die." Robert stated as he stood at the edge of the platform, rolling a cigarette.

"Please, Robert, you have to believe me." She cried. "I am not the one who calls to them. I am not the one who they come for."

Robert raised a eyebrow.

"Its her. Its Angelica. There isn't just one, there are hundreds." Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Ask Marcus why he really had to leave. It was her. Even at a young age, she called to them, some could stay away, other couldn't."

She shut her eyes, sobbing. "I don't call for them anymore. I have what I wanted, I only wanted Alec. Its her."

Robert clenched his jaw, stomping up the steps before gagging Michonne with his handkerchief.

He leaned in, whispering in her ear. "She won't be your problem anymore."

And with that he left her. He left her in the mercy of the town. He had seen the blood and tears in her skirt, it seems a few of the guards had already had their way with her.

The sun had begun to set and soon Michonne would meet her end.

Angelica kept her head down as she walked amongst the tattered remains of their family home. Signs of the fight Michonne had put up to keep them from taking her away, were everywhere.

The portrait in the drawing room which Michonne was so fond of, now was nothing more than peices of ripped canvas hanging from a golden frame. The air in the house was strange. An emptiness in the hallways, discomfort creeping into ones bones like a winter cold.

It felt as if the throne was empty, as if the matriarch had stepped down, leaving a country of helpless folk to fend for themselves.

Angelica walked up the stairs to her bedroom. The door groaned as she pushed it open. Her bedroom seemed to be ripped apart, clothes thrown on the ground, shredded and covered in blood.

A wolf's head was on her bed, laid carefully on her pillow, a crown of dead monarch butterflies adorning its head.

Her heart began pounding and her breathing became laboured. She was gasping for air and spun around when she ran smack into Luc's chest.

"Shh. Its alright." His arms circled her waist, fingers tangling in her hair as he held her close to her chest. "Its alright. I'm here."

Angelica began sobbing, clutching to his shirt.

"What's going on here?" Alec asked as he stomped down the hall.

He looked into the room. "What the hell?" He mumbled. "Angelica, are you alright?" He asked ripping her from Luc's grasp and looking her over.

Angelica nodded. Grabbing onto her father, she buried her nose into his chest.

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