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" life, love, loss "

She did not cry when she found out her father had passed, nor when her first lover did. She did not cry when he son told her he was leaving, nor when her first born daughter died before she lived.

Angelica never settled, never promised a man more than a night, and spent her pregnancies alone with her children. She traveled and saw all the Northern Americas had to offer.

It wasn't till she was old and grey that she finally moved back to the town she had spent her entire life in. She lived in Clarissa's old house along with two of her daughters, she taught then the ways of a Luna and died knowing her perfect legacy would live on.

Angelica gave up her crown when she was a hundred and three years old, her children buried her in the wildflower field outside their house and each months when the moon is full and the wolves come out to howl, they would watch the monarch butterflies flutter around her grave.

The legend of the wolf began thousands of years before her, and would continue to live on long after her time had come and past.

Fairy tales do not always have happy endings, because a story doesn't end after the writer stops writing.

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