Chapter 12

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" death is inevitable, inescapable, and incurable, it is our divine destiny "

It had been ten years since the events which shook the town. The town folk, consumed by fear had begun to abandon the town as the wolf began to claim a victim once every year on the anniversary of that night.

Those who were able to afford to leave, did, while others continued to survive. Marcus had returned to the city, choosing rather to shelter his bride from the horror which plagued the town.

He had offered to take Angelica with him, but Alec refused. Eventually Alec's sons left for the city as well, seeking their fortune or looking to begin families.

Angelica's silence remained a constant, a heavy weight on her family's hearts. The momentary joy the birth of Scarlet, was short lived as the young babe died weeks after her birth.

Michonne fell into a deep depression, and her and Alec were unable to conceive again. The town fell into ruin, buildings were run down and neglected, as well as the people.

It was a strange sight to see, the once flourishing town, now a mere shadow of its former self.

At seventeen, Angelica had reached the age where she would begin to find a husband. Her father had sent letters to families he knew in London, informing them of his daughter, but few wrote back, and even fewer requested a visit.

He had allowed Angelica to visit her brothers over the winter, allowing her to attend supervised visits with her potential suitors, but her silence soon scared them off.

Alec had begun to fear his daughter would be an old maid. But after Luc began to show interest, Alec started to force a relationship in desperation.

"If we get married, I'd take you with me to Africa." He said one day as they walked. "I'd work in the mines, just think about it. We'd be rich."

Angelica shook her head lightly, clasping her hands together. His dreams were dreams of a child.

"Maybe we can move to London. Settle in the city somewhere and start a family." He continued as they walked through the near abandoned streets. Many of the little shops had closed and wooden boards covered the windows of the abandoned buildings.

Luc was a nice man, kind and caring, a bit quirky and submissive, but no one seemed to mind. But to Angelica it mattered.

Since she had her first blood her mind had been consumed with one thing, to find the perfect mate. She could not pinpoint what exactly would constitute of such a man, but in her heart she knew that she would know when she laid eyes on him.

She found herself watching the men as they worked, sweat rolling down hard muscles and thick arms which carried the ability to lift heavy objects on broad shoulders.

Her eyes trailed over Luc. A few inches taller than her, the boy never quite seemed to grow into manhood, thin and awkward, yet there was subtle evidence of hard work in the tones and contours of his body.

Angelica might have grown silent, but within her there was a fire and a part of her wanted to let it consume her, but another wanted to hide it away until it smoldered into nothing.

She had felt the fire three times before. With Robert, with Marcus, and with the wolf. But the wolf was dead, and another had taken his place. Would he too make her burn like the other?

"I'm going to ask your father for your hand." Luc spoke up, and Angelica felt her heart drop. "I am growing older and you are of age. We do not have to delay." His fingers clasped her arms.

Angelica's head lightly moved from side to side, but before Luc could notice her obvious hessitation, Alec approached them. "Why are you two still outside?"

"The sun is still out." Luc said, his eyes drifting around them.

"We're having a meeting." Alec said stiffly and grabbed his daughter by the elbow, leading the couple to the makeshift townhall.

"Silence please. Silence." The priest's voice could be heard faintly over the roar of the crowd. "Please. Silence."

As Alec stepped up to the podium he whistled and the crowd quieted down. "Thank you." He cleared his throat. "Thank you all for attending. I know you would much rather be in your homes, but we have urgent business to discuss."

He stepped aside, allowing for Robert to set to the plate. The room begun to murmur, and Angelica's eyes widened in surprise. It had been years since she had seen him, the time had taken a toll on his features, but he remained a good looking fellow. His trusted axe was swung across his back, but he sported new scars, one of which was still patched up covering his entire ear.

"I come to you today in grief." He began. "Your town has been on the bring of ruin and I have been too blind to stop it."

His eyes landed on Angelica. "This monster which walks amongst you has been allowed to do as she pleases for far too long."

"No! No!" A feminine scream echoed and the crowd parted as two men dragged a kicking and screaming Michonne to the platform.

Her delicate wrists were bound in chains and her skin hissed and sizzled along the lines indented by the chains.

"Alec!" She begged. "Please, I am innocent."

Alec's eyes were cold and foggy, not meeting hers. Robert stepped in front of his friend, blocking his view of Michonne.

"You stand accused of the crime of being a witch." He spoke, a grin tugging on his lips. "How do you plead?"

Michonne struggled again. "Not guilty! Please, you have to believe me, I'm innocent."

Robert stalked off from the platform, making his way to Michonne. There was a collective gasp from the crowd as he slapped her, splitting her lip.

"Its because of you and your kind that the wolves are flocking here." He leaned in, whispering in her ear. "Your daughter was the first, soon you and your brother will burn, and sweet Angelica will become everything you never could."

Michonne spat at Robert, twisting her arms in a weak attempt to free herself from her captors. "You are a sick man, and you will burn in hell for what you have done."

Robert laughed. "After you my dear."

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