Chapter 11

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Dedicated to Carien Stemmet on her 20th Birthday.

" everyone has different mask for anyone they encounter , and its not the masks we must fear , but that which lies underneath "

It had become apparent that the naive little Angelica had begun to take a liking to Marcus. His promise to protect her had put the girl at ease and she had slowly began to trust him.

Marcus had attempted to keep up the facade that he was content, but he had begun growing restless.

As the weeks passed, Michonne began growing more tired, she wad frequently ill and the scent of cooking meat repelled her. She began to eat her meat raw and by the end of the month, the doctor confirmed that she was pregnant.

Alec seemed unfazed, but not unhappy. People had begun to realise a lack of emotions in him, as if he no longer felt anything, and it was a unwelcomed experience.

Marcus's fiance would reunite with him soon, and they would settle in town, in a house neighbouring Miss Williams. He  longed for the future he had been so carefully planning, and counted the days as they dragged on into years.

"I'm going to have another sibling?" Angelica said, cocking her head to the side as her father sat with her.

"Yes, you will be a big sister." Alec explained.

But the little girl frowned. "I don't want to be a big sister." She argued. "Papa, I don't want it."


"No!" She screamed, throwing her doll on the ground. The porcaline face shattered. "No! No! No!" She stomped her feet and shook her fists.

It was Michonne's hand which silenced the girl, leaving a red imprint on her cheek.

The room fell silent.

Tears brimmed in Angelica's eyes as she ran from the room and the house, running into the forest before anyone could stop her, her red hood wavering in the wind.

She stumbled and fell, her knees scraping against the rough forest floor. She cried, pushing herself up and running further away.

Something had snapped inside of her, it was as if the grief of the past year had suddenly hit her. "Mama! Mama!" She called out to the woods.

But there was no answer.

As darkness begun to settle, she failed to find the path back to the village and blindly wondered around with only the light of the moon as her guide.

She wiped clumsily at her eyes as her shoes crunched the leaves underneath her feet.

"Hello there." She heard a voice in the dark. Menacing and alluring.

"Whose there?" She asked.

A dark figure emerged from the darkness. "Its alright my dear, its only me." He said. "Do not fear little red riding hood."

"Can you help me?" She asked, looking up at him with big trusting eyes.

"Of course." He replied with a wicked grin. "In fact, I'll protect you from from the dangers of the forest."

Angelica hesitated. "Do you know where my grandmother's house is?"

He laughed. "Yes, I will gladly take you."

Once more she hesitated. "Can you just show me how to get back on the path please?"

He licked his lips. "Of course, its right this way."

He lead her to the path. "Be careful little red, you never know what might be lurking in the forest."

Angelica started to walk away from him, but at the sounds of his laugh, she started to run, caring little for the branches reaching out and slicing at her arms. She only wanted to get away from him and get to her grandmother's house.

When Clarissa's house came into view she slowed down, gasping for air, but filled with relief.

But something was wrong.

The door was ajar and a strong stench filled the air.

"Grandmother?" She called out. But recieved no answer.

She stepped through the door, squinting her eyes into the darkness. "Grandmother?" She called again.

"In here my dear." She heard a voice from the bedroom. But it sounded little like the calming voice she usually found comfort in.


"Come here child."

"Grandmother? Are you sick?"

A rough chuckle filled the air. "Yes my child, but a visit from my dear granddaughter is bound to make me feel better." A pause. "Why don't you come to your dear old granny?"

Angelica approached the bed. "Grandmother?" Her hand brushed against the blankets, it was wet and sticky. Her hand shook as she touched her Grandmother's icy skin.

"Grandm-." She screamed.

Large hands reached out and wrapped around her. "Leave me alone!" She screamed and thrashed against him. "Leave me alone!"

"You are mine now." He whispered in her ear and Angelica kept thrashing.

He dragged her from the cabin, unable to retain a good grip on her as she kept kicking and squirming.

"Let her go." Robert demanded as he appeared before them gripping his axe.

The wolf held the girl to his chest, a hand firmly covering her mouth. "I don't think I will."

Angelica bit down on his hand, causing the wolf to let her go. "You little bitch!" He backhanded her and pushing her out of the way.

Robert took the chance to bring his axe down swinging hard and lodging the blade in the wolf's shoulder. He screeched, attempting to shift, but unable as the silver blade burned his skin. Robert yanked his bowie knife from his belt lodging it in the heart of the wolf.

The wolf gurgled as its life left its body. The body dropped lifeless on the ground. Robert removed his axe, bringing it down on the wolf's neck and severing its head from its body.

"Angelica!" He heard men screaming in the distance. Robert approached Angelica who was watching the events, silently and hyperventilating. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the search party.

Alec took Angelica home. The girl was in shock and the doctor was called. He gave her something to help her sleep, but informed them that the trauma would not subdue.

It was from that day onward that Angelica stopped speaking. The lively little girl lost her spark and retreated into a shell of her former self.

No one spoke of the events of that night, nor did they speak of the old woman who now completely isolated herself from the town. She bore deep scars from that night and hid from the world.

The town was not free from their plague.

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