Chapter 10

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" let's dance with the devil "

It was a warm spring afternoon when Alec and Michonne finally said their vows. The affair was grand and more than half the town had been in attendence.

Michonne wore a elegant cream coloured gown, and appeared almost angelic as she glided down the isle. They played the part of the ideal family, but it was an illusion.

When the sun had set and the festivities came to an end, the new Spencer family returned home. The children went to bed, while Marcus took up a book in the study.

The newly married couple entered their bedroom. Michonne wrapped her arms around Alec's neck. "At long last my love."

Alec removed himself from his wife. "You must be tired. We should rest."

"Rest!" Michonne exclaimed in an outrage. Her golden eyes seemed to glow like flames as her fists clenched at her sides. The Parisian girl was never known for keeping to herself or acting reserved.

"How dare you! I am your wife! We will lay together as one should!" She flung herself at him once more, but Alec stopped her.

"Do not make a fool of yourself."

The slap resonated through the empty room. "Never call me a fool again." Michonne stood before Alec, ominous and beautiful in her ways. "You are my husband." Her voice suddenly turned sweet as her hands moved over his chest. "Allow me to make you happy."

Those golden eyes glowered, and as if in a trance  Alec lost control of himself. He consumated his marraige with Michonne, laying not only his body but his mind at her feet, and unknowingly allowing her to erase Marchelle from his thoughts.

The beast could smell the scent of another. The scent of a new wolf being born. It did not like that.

Angelica laid sounds asleep in her room. The moonlight basking her in its light. The beast watched her.

The little mortal girl who carried within her the promise of a next generation of natural born wolf. The one who would keep its species from extinction, who would further his bloodline.

He would kill every bitten wolf in the village. Kill off the weak and breed true wolves when the time comes.

It was her destiny, as was it his.

He listened to the sounds of the house, the floorboards creaking, the boys whispering and the wedded pair locked in a intimate embrace. 

It wouldn't be long before she would call out to him.

He just had to wait.

The next morning was filled with tension and silence as the Spencer family sat down at the breakfast table. Michonne was persistent in meeting Alec's eyes, but he kept them firmly locked on the plate in front of him.

"Sister, perhaps you and your husband would like to visit the city for a while? I know Mother is eager to see Alec again." Marcus commented as he sipped his dark coffee.

"That sounds like a good idea, doesn't it darling?" She said excitedly as she clasped her hand over Alec's.

"No, there is much work to be done." He stated as he rose and threw his napkin on the table. He bid his children farewell, before making his way to the Mayoral office in town.

He closed the door in a huff and ran his fingers through his greying hair.

"Looks like you have your hands full." Robert commented from the shadows.

"Robert, Jesus." Alec panted, holding his hand over his racing heart from the unexpected fright the younger man had given him. "What are you doing here?" He asked when he had calmed down.

Robert swirled the amber liquid in his glass, lifting it to eye level as if to inspect it. "I've been tracking a wolf from London." He spoke after a pregnant pause. "He's managed to ilude me for weeks now, but he got sloppy."

His eyes met Alec's. "I was in the area when I heard you got married again. Congratulations."

Alec crossed his arms over his chest. "My children need a mother."

"I don't care." Robert rose to his feet and stalked towards Alec. "What I want to know is why you married Michonne?"

"You know her?"

Robert stepped away and sipped his whiskey. "We are old acquaintances." He answered scrunching his eyebrows. "Her brother, is he here?"

"Yes, he is planning on settling down here in fact."

Robert nodded his head. He grabbed his hat and headed for the door. "I must get going, give my best to the children."

"Wait!" Alec called out, and Robert paused. "You disappeared, and then reappeared out of the blue. The least you can do is give some sort of explanation as to where you were."

Robert shook his head and left slamming the door behind him.

Furiously he stalked through the town to the house he knew so well. Keeping to the cover of the woods he peered through the window to the playroom where he knew Angelica would be playing until one of her brothers took her to Mrs Browne's house.

But something was wrong.

Her eyes no longer held the gleam of an innocent child beholding the world with such wonder, instead it was as if all the happiness had been drained from her.

"Come on Little Red." Marcus said as he entered the room. At the mere sight of him, anger lit up like a flame within Robert.

"Where are we going?" Angelica asked hesitantly.

"I'm taking you to your lesson."

"My brother was supposed to take me." She answered slowly as she rose to her feet.

Marcus stalked towards her, kneeling down. "He can't do that right now." He said as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Besides  I can protect you much better than he can." He offered her a dazzling smile.

Robert watched as they exited the room, and kept watching as Marcus lead her deeper into the woods. His hand latched on to the axe slung behind his back, but at the gentle touch to his hand he let go.

"You cannot start a war Robert, not here." Clarissa said.

Robert huffed. "I will kill him if he lays a hand on her."

The old woman shook her head as she walked to the path. "He won't hurt her, you know that." She called over her shoulder as she made her way to her cabin where Angelica was already waiting.

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