My Type

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The week of try-outs had gone exactly as I imagined. I sucked, Derek did amazing, as did Brandon, and dad asked about it every night at dinner. I couldn't escape it all and by Friday, I was grateful it was over. I'd never have to try-out for a team again.

Derek got point guard which was apparently the best position to have. Guys were congratulating him and slapping him on the back. He seemed to forget all about Brandon and I.

Brandon got center which he said was fine with him. It gave him playing time and got him on the team. That was all he'd wanted. That and for me to make the team.

I didn't. I wasn't at all surprised. But seeing Derek practically shun me because I wasn't on the team hurt. And I still hadn't told my parents.

Brandon walked up to me at my locker and leaned against the ones beside me. "That guy is a total asshole."

I shrugged and stuffed my science book into my backpack. "I've noticed that."

"I can't believe I wanted you two together."

"Why did you?" I asked, finally looking at him. He was sweaty and his hair was messy and his shirt stuck to his neck and arms. He looked like a basketball player. Meanwhile, I looked like an idiot.

"I wanted you to be happy."

"Well I'm not that happy."

"What happened?"

"Derek just isn't my type." I lied. He wasn't my type but there was more to it. I wasn't about to tell him and have him judge me. He wouldn't have understood.

"Okay, then what is your type?"

I shut my locker door. "Someone that at least notices I'm in a room."

"So that's definitely not him."

I started walking toward the doors and Brandon followed. He pulled his keys from his pocket.

"Wanna get pizza or something?" He asked, shoving the doors open in front of him. You'd think he would be happy to have made the team but it seems he's more mad about the Derek situation. Which is odd for him.

"Sure." I mumbled. The last thing I wanted to do, on a Friday night, was go home and get the 'I love you but I'm disappointed' lecture from my dad. If I got home late enough and slept in late enough tomorrow morning, I wouldn't have to run into him until dinner. And I could deal with that.

Brandon tossed his bag into the backseat then got in the driver's seat. "Do you wanna spend the night? I know how your dad can get after try-outs."

"I guess."

He stopped turning the key in the ignition and pulled it out. "Okay, what's wrong? Are you really upset over not making the team?"

"No." I turned toward the window on my right, refusing to look at him.

"Angelo, talk to me."

"I thought he would've at least apologized for being an asshole."

"Who, Derek?"

I nodded. "I saw him flirting with Laken during try-outs. They were partners every time we grouped up. I thought... I wanted him to like me."

He frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "He's dead. No, he's worse than dead. He's-"

"B, stop. You can't force him to like me. If he wants to be an idiot and go for someone like Laken, then let him."

"I'm sorry."

"Can we just go? I'm starving."

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