I'll Let You Win

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I sat on his bed beside him, clothed, and a video game controller in my lap. After Brandon's declaration, I quickly pulled us out of the shower and back to his room where our urges weren't as strong.

"I don't want to keep this a secret anymore. Your dad kicked you out which I'm sure isn't a secret. You know how people can be with secrets. I'd rather us be out in the open." He explained.

"Won't people think it's weird that I'm living with you and dating you?"

"Screw what they think. All that matters is that you like me the same way I like you."

"Of course I do. I just... I'm feeling really vulnerable right now. I don't know how much bullying and shit I can deal with." I hated voicing my fears out loud but this was Brandon. He knew everything about me.

He took my hand. "Let me handle that."

"Is that your way of saying I'm the girl in this relationship?"

He laughed. "I thought that was obvious."

I pushed him away. "You suck."

"So can I make us Facebook official?" He asked, grabbing his phone.

"Just please pick a good picture of us." We found out that my parents had shut off my phone. Thankfully it wasn't confiscated by the police when I was arrested. But it meant I couldn't call or text anyone. Not that anyone would want to talk to me.

"I don't think there's a bad picture."

I rolled my eyes and rested my chin on his shoulder, watching him scroll through his pictures for one of us. He found one from earlier in the year, where we were driving around town to kill time. It was a good picture from a good time in my life. When things weren't so screwed up.

He changed his status to 'in a relationship' then leaned back to rest his head on my chest. "What do you want to do today?"

I shrugged. "I have a lot of homework to do but I don't feel like doing any of it."

"I'll do it for you."

"That's cheating, B."

"It's called helping. I can't stand to see you suffer."

"Well that's my life so..."

He turned around to face me. "You're like a cute, sad, little puppy."

"I don't want to be a puppy."

"I like puppies."

I wrapped my arms around him tightly, pushing us down onto the bed. "I'm sorry I'm so sad and depressing."

"Yeah, well I like sad and depressed you. Anyone can hide that shit but it takes a real person to show how it makes them feel."

I pressed my lips lightly against his before the feeling of embarrassment washed over me. I wasn't brave or bold. Trying to act like I was just seemed fake.

Brandon laughed and ran his fingers through my hair. "Wanna play video games for a while? I'll let you win."

"You'll let me win? So that's how we're doing this now?"

He pushed me to a sitting position and grabbed the controller from behind me. "Better get your controller. Game's about to start."

I shoved him back against the pillows and grabbed the other controller. "You're on."

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