The Feminine Boy

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I opted for an extra few days with Brandon, with Becky's permission, of course. I didn't want to leave without fixing things between us. I hated the thought of Brandon being mad at me. Or disappointed in me.

I shook his arm, watching him rub his face into his pillow. The clock said it was three in the morning. I'd been unable to sleep and needed to talk to him before my guilt and self-loathing killed me.

He groaned before rolling over and facing me. "Why are you waking me up?"

"I-I want to talk to you." I swallowed, trying not to sound so scared. It was just Brandon. Why was I even nervous?

"It couldn't wait till morning?"


He sighed and pulled the blanket around his shoulders. "Okay. Go ahead."

"I'm sorry about earlier... when I..."

"What, that I touched you?" He asked, sounding a little irritated.

My eyes widened. He was mad at me. Crap. "Um... y-yeah."

He chuckled, which confused me even more. "You don't have to apologize. I just won't do it anymore."

"That's what I'm trying to say, B. I liked it..."


I shook my head. "I was freaking out over talking to my dad. I was angry at you and I shouldn't have been. I screwed everything up."

He sat up on his elbows. "You didn't screw anything up, Angelo."

I tried to meet his gaze but there was little to no light in the room. I could barely make out his body's outline.

"I want you to be happy, Ang. I figured you'd take it pretty hard and I wanted to be there for you. I thought you knew..."

I scooted closer to him until I felt his arm brushing my knees. "I do now."

The light flicked on and Brandon sat up to face me. "Can I..."

I nodded, my nerves stirring to life inside of me.

I couldn't see any in him, though. His hand was steady as he lifted it and cupped my cheek. His eyes held mine, looking for any signs that he should back out and retreat. But I gave him none.

I leaned into him and covered his hand with mine. "Does this mean I'm the girl in the relationship?"

He grinned. "How about... the feminine boy?"

I laughed. "That sounds way better."

---Sex scene ahead---

He pressed his lips to mine and it took everything I had to stay upright. Maybe it was the hand on my cheek that helped steady me a bit.

Then his hips pressed into mine and I was pushed back onto the bed, his body laying over mine. He used his knee to push my thigh down and I groaned as my body got warmer. I felt hot everywhere his skin touched mine.

Still kissing me, he pulled my shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. His hands moved up my chest and over my pale skin. He was careful with me but he knew what he was doing. He'd had sex before. He didn't need to question it.

His fingers trailed down my stomach until they hit my shorts. Slowly he pulled them down until my hard on popped out, giving away exactly how he made me feel.

My head fell back and I tried to say his name but nothing came out. I couldn't make my lips move. I felt so light and airy. I was surprised that I could even feel that way. No girl had ever done that to me. Or crush on a guy.

Only Brandon.

His lips curled around me and I grabbed his hair in my fists. His lips curled into a smile but he didn't stop. I pushed myself further and further into him until I felt my warm liquid shoot out.

He chuckled and pulled back only to bring his lips back to mine. He grabbed both our hard ons and started jerking, sending the fire in me all the way down to where his hand was. A groan escaped his lips as he added pressure through his hand.

His lips were on my neck when he jerked. He grunted and tilted his head down to watch his warm liquid spill onto my chest. He moaned a curse as he fell down onto the bed beside me, running a shaking hand through his hair.

"You know I've watched a lot of gay porn?" He said, breathing heavy.

I grinned. "I'm a bit surprised at that."

"I needed to know what I was doing."

"It's not much different than regular sex, you know."

He slid his arm under my shoulders. "Well, you're not a girl and I'm not gonna treat you like one."

My cheeks heated up.

He pressed his lips to my cheek, lightly pressing them against my warm, flushed skin. "You better go shower before my mom sees what we did."

I shoved against his chest as I got up. "You're so gross."

He laughed and I flipped him the bird as I went to the bathroom, wearing nothing but him.


Thank you for reading Falling Hard! If you want to read more like this, please check out my other works!


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