That Mouth Will Get You In Trouble

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Becky was a God-send. She talked to the officers for me, she let me live with her, she let me date her son. I wasn't sure what I did to deserve her.

Brandon and I sat on a bench outside the office Becky was in. She wanted us out of earshot, probably to make it easier to sugarcoat things to me later. Neither of us spoke. Brandon was rubbing circles in my back, keeping me from losing it all in front of the policeman. The last thing I wanted was to look like even more sad and depressing than I already was.

"Let's go, boys." Becky said, walking out with her purse on her shoulder. She wasn't giving me an encouraging smile but she didn't look totally defeated either.

"I'm not... I don't have to stay here?" I asked, feeling a bit of hope that I didn't have to stay locked away in a holding cell any longer.

"No, sweetie." She patted my shoulder as she walked by. She opened the door and held it for us to follow, giving us the hint that she was ready to go.

I glanced at Brandon. He had a constant look of worry on his face the entire time we were at the police station. His hair was wet from the rain and there were droplets of water all over his jacket. Thankfully, he'd brought one for me to wear so I wasn't cold and wet.

Brandon had his eyes on his mom as he caught the door with one hand. But his other found mine and squeezed lightly. It didn't tell me he had hope for what would happen to me per se. But I knew he did care about me and his hand in mine showed me just that.

I got in the passenger seat and put my seat belt on, watching the rain fall on the windshield. "Is this going to go on my record?"

Becky sighed and looked at me. "For now, yes. In a few years, you'll be able to get it cleared."

"A few years?"

"Yes. You can get it expunged."

"What about my stuff?"

"They wouldn't let me get it today. It's still at the house. I'm going to try talking to your parents once they're back in town to see if I can get it for you." She rubbed my arm. "It's not okay what he did, Angelo."

"How can he do that if I'm his kid? Aren't there laws against doing this?"

"I'm not sure how it works. I didn't think it was legal but the police seem to think it is."

"That's not fair." Brandon said. I glanced at him in the mirror and he was slid down on the seat, his knees pressed against my seat. Normally he was a happy, go-lucky guy but not today. There was something different about him.

"I'm going to get a lawyer and fight this. You shouldn't have to put up with this." Becky said, starting the car.

"I'm not taking my dad to court." I rolled my eyes, hating the thought of doing something so... petty to my own family. But... he would have done that to me. He had me arrested for trespassing.

"Something has to be done, Angelo. I'm not letting him hurt you like this." Her tone was short and I knew the conversation was over. She pulled out of the parking spot and onto the road and none of us said a word on the way home.



Brandon tossed his jacket on the chair in the corner and kicked his shoes under the bed. He stripped out of his clothes and to his boxers and headed for the bathroom. "You coming?"

I looked up at him and his tone wasn't suggestive but the way he was standing... His eyebrow was raised and his arms were crossed in just the right way that his muscles bulged out on his arms.

"Coming where?" I asked innocently.

He rolled his eyes. "To shower, dummy."

My face flushed and I had a hard time not showing how I was feeling. Or what I was thinking. Was he really implying... "B... I don't think-"

"It's just a shower. We've done it a million times."

But we're dating now. I wanted to say. But wouldn't that sound like dating had ruined what we had before? I didn't want him to think I regretted being with him.

Biting my lip, I got up and followed him from his room. I pulled my clothes off, tossing them on the tiled floor at my feet.

Brandon got behind the curtain first, leaving me a few seconds to gather the courage before I joined him.

It was definitely different that we were together than when we were just friends. I could remember taking baths together. I was used to him. It was my feelings I wasn't used to.

When I stepped under the hot water, I became instantly aware that he could see all of me. He would know how I was feeling... towards him. Sometimes I hated being a guy.

Brandon ran a hand through his wet hair, pushing water down his shoulders and back. "Do you still want me to tutor you in French?"

"I have other things to worry about right now, don't you think?"

"I'm not letting you fail school just because your father's a jerk."

"I just... I don't know what to do anymore. What am I supposed to do with my life?"

"The same thing you were going to before all this happened. You're going to graduate and go to a nice college and you're going to be a badass."

I rolled my eyes as I took the shampoo off him. "I don't think I'd qualify myself as a badass."

He shrugged. "Don't let your parents define who you are, Ang."

I set the bottle on the shelf and rubbed the gel-liquid into my hair. "I like that you call me Ang."

He grinned. "Good."

I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and grabbed for the soap the same time Brandon did. Sheepishly, he smiled and I got the feeling that he was as nervous as I was about showering together.

I let him have it and he loaded up a luffa sponge. He pulled me closer and ran the sponge over my shoulders. I held back a shiver, trying not to show just how nervous I was.

His hands, and the luffa, ran down my skin, covering me in white soap. He knelt down to wash my legs and feet.

"I thought your legs had more hair than this. Do you shave them?" He teased.

"Shut up." Of all the genes I'd received from my parents, hair wasn't one. I was glad I wasn't overly hairy but even my legs lacked and that was a place I welcomed hair.

He smiled and scrubbed the dirt and prison smell off me. I could gloat and tell people I had gone to jail for breaking and entering. It wouldn't have been a total lie and it was on my record - I was so stupid. Getting arrested wasn't something I wanted to gloat about. I wasn't proud of it.

Brandon's hands had found my most sensitive area while I was deep in thought. I jerked back and nearly lost my balance. He laughed and steadied me, his one hand never leaving it's original place.

"Wha... what are you doing?" I breathed, my head feeling light and airy. Just one touched and I was dizzy.

Didn't that just scream virgin?

"Relax." He said, moving so the water rinsed the soap off my bottom half. When the soap was gone, he put his mouth in its place.

A loud moan escaped my lips and I grabbed his shoulder to keep myself upright. His lips curved into a smile as much as they could.

"Shit." I cursed, my head falling back. I was so inexperienced. I'd only ever gotten myself off. And with my hand. I didn't know what it'd feel like to be in someone's mouth.

Brandon licked me clean and stood to his full height. He didn't meet my gaze but he didn't have to. His hands were on my stomach, his finger playing with my belly button. His mouth found mine and he ran his tongue over my lower lip.

"I want to tell people about us." He whispered.

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