Secret Trips

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        Walking down the stairs, I swing my car keys around my finger. I head towards the door but am stopped by my brothers.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asks.

"Places," I reply.

"Lily," Damon says, dragging my name out in a warning tone.

"What? You're going to Denver and Stefan's babysitting, I'm not going to sit around like a loner all day. Besides I have business to take care of."

"Lily? Will you at least just tell us where you are going?" Stefan questions, using his gentle voice. I roll my eyes before glaring at the two of them.

"Delaware," I lie

"See that wasn't to hard now was it." Damon says sarcastically. I give Damon a bitter smile before waving goodbye and stepping out the door. I hop into my car and start my journey. I know I should feel guilty for lying to my brothers, but they've kept plenty of their own secrets. Turning on the radio, I blast music and settle into my seat, preparing for the length of the journey.


Pulling up in front of a little house , I feel my grin start to grow and my happiness take over. I'm so excited to be back here. Turning the car off, I step out and walk up to the door, ringing the doorbell. Footsteps echo from the other side and soon the door opens presenting a women.

"You've already been invited in child, why must you ring the bell and make me get up and answer it?" The women complains, yet I know she is only joking.

"Please, it's good exercise for your old bones," I joke back, but on a more serious note I say, "And you know that I would never come in without your permission, it's a way to show my respect to you."

"Yes, you and your morals. Come in already child," The women says, opening the door open wider and stepping to the side. I walk in and walk into the dining room, sitting down on the table. The women follows after me but instead of sitting she just stares at me.

"What?" I ask, confused at her actions.

"I haven't seen you in 2 years and you're not even going to give me a hug?" She exclaims.

"Oh, Ma," I sigh, standing up and embracing her. When we release we both sit down at the table.

"So, how are you baby girl?" Ma asks. Her real name is Cece but she's always been a motherly figure in my life so most of the time I call her Ma. I met her around the 1960's-I was going through a very bad time- and she took me in. She treated me like a daughter and I never had a mother, since my real mom died while Stefan and I were very young, so it was only natural that I started looking at her like a mom. Ma is a witch, and a very old one at that, but I still love her.

"I'm good Ma. How about you? Are you taking care of yourself?"

"I'm good as well, you needn't be such a worrywart. But what are you not telling me?" I roll my eyes as she gets straight to it.

"I really hate how you can read me like an open book. I mean it's not fair. I-"

"Lily," She says, cutting me off, stopping me from going off on a tagent to change the subject. Like I said, she knows me too well.

"I saw my brothers, I'm actually living with them now," I mumble, telling the truth.

"That's great baby girl! I'm glad that you finally connected with them! Now tell me, how did they react to seeing you again?"

"They were shocked to say the least. Then after we passed the questions about how I was still alive and what I was doing there, they pissed me off, so I stormed away," I say, mumbling the last part.

"Language!" Ma exclaims.

"I'm sorry," I apologize and we continue our chat. We talk about what's going on in my life and then what's going on in her's and so on. We talk for the whole afternoon and I ate dinner there (well she ate and I talked). When it hit around 7, I decided that I should probably get to leaving. We say our goodbyes after hugging and I'm about to leave when Ma stops me.

"Baby girl, do you need anymore herbs? It's been 2 years and I know I gave you enough to last at least that much, so you must be running low," Ma says before running back through the house. In a few short minutes I've given a bag of herbs that I need and should probably last me at least another year, maybe 2. I thank Ma once again before getting into my car, turning on the radio, waving goodbye, and leaving.

I really missed Ma, I'm glad everyone was busy today so I could sneak away to see her.

A/N: I know this chapter might seem random, but bare with me on it. It'll connect with future chapters, helping develop a plot for Lily alone.

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