A Pawn

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Klaus's POV

        "Look's like a giant snowflake." At the voice behind me, I smirk. It was bound time for him to come running to me. The question is why though. Did he come for Elena or for his sister?

        Turning to face the younger Salvatore brother, I grin at him. "I prefer to think of it as an expression of postmodernism." I lay my brush down. "It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland Charity Event."

        Before Stefan could reply with some sarcastic remark, I'm sure, a trait all the Salvatores seem to have, Adrian enters. "You said it was urgent?" He asks.

        "Yes, take this to the Mystic Grill immediately." I gesture to my artwork

        "You want me to be a delivery guy?" Adrian echoes, snark in his tone.

        "What I want is for you to do whatever I say without the attitude." I step closer to him, staring him down. He breaks easily and with a slight frustrated huff does as he's told. As he picks up my painting, I raise a brow in his direction. "And be careful with that," I warn him. "It's still wet."

        "Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves you know," Stefan comments from where he leans against the archway.

        I resist the urge to growl at him. I can't say that I appreciate the his attitude this morning. "What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can't maximize on the benefits of free labor?" I look him over, narrowing my gaze as I finally ask the question on my mind. "What are you doing here?" Or the real question underneath that one: who are you here for?

        Stefan takes a step into the parlor. Hands stuffed in his pockets, he grimaces at me. "Elena is sired to Damon."

        I smile. Elena, then. No, surprise really. "I intuited as much."

        "Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever and yet here you are making postmodern snowflakes."

        I smirk. "I've delivered." Grabbing a rag from my work station, I clean the paint off my hands. "I retrieved the Hunter's sword from Italy which we'll use to decipher the map hidden in the Hunter's mark. You're the one who is supposed to deliver the Hunter and his mark." I send him a pointed look, knowing fairly well the struggle they are facing with the Little Gilbert. Lily hinted as much.

        "Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark, but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us."

        "Sounds like quite the chore," I reply without missing a beat. "Which is why I feel perfectly justified to do a little charity work,"

        Stefan hums, "Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword."

        "Why would I lie to you Stefan?" I ask him lowly. Though I'm not surprised. The Salvatore brothers often doubt my word. "We're in this together," I tell him, passing him to head into the next room where the sword is locked away in a safe. Spinning in the combination, I open the safe, pulling out the sword. I display it for Stefan as I speak. "The hilt acts as a cipher which we'll use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoo when he's killed enough vampires to complete it." I set the sword on a table beside the couch I fall into. Stefan picks it up as I set my feet upon the table.

        As he examines it, I decide to have a little fun. I know Lily said that Stefan and her were in a fight, the latter still unforgiving of the first's actions, but I also know how deeply the Salvatores love. Why not test that love now? "I heard you moved out of your house. Bit of a martyr move, hm?"

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