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         I walk through the door and into the Gilbert household. My eyes fleet around looking for Stefan, yet I find Elena on the living room couch, Matt with her. Heading into the kitchen, I find my brother. "I thought you were with Damon, hiding Klaus's body," I tell him.

He sighs, his gaze flashing to Elena before back to me. "I was but Elena passed out, Jeremy took her to the hospital, and now I'm back to help watch over her."

"You're babysitting," I speak bluntly, rolling my eyes at the word. Jumping up onto the Gilbert's kitchen island, I take an apple out the bowl and bite into it. "What was Jeremy thinking? Taking her to the hospital was a stupid move with Alaric and all the other Originals on the search for her."

Stefan huffs, nodding his head. "Trust me, Damon agrees."

"So why do you need me then? Your text was very vague," I tell him, referencing the text he sent me to come to the Gilbert's. I take another bite of my apple.

"Well, I need you to help, as you so poetically put it, babysit. To help watch over Elena and keep her safe."

"What?!?" I spit out, my apple falling to the ground. I feel Matt and Elena's gazes fall onto me but I ignore them as I jump off the counter, "Oh, hell no! I'm out of here," I exclaim, stomping to the front door. I can't believe Stefan would ever expect me to play babysitter to Elena Gilbert. No way in hell! Just as I'm about to open the front door, Stefan flashes in front of me, blocking my path.

"Please?" He begs, locking his gaze onto mine as his eyes plead.

I glare at him. "No!"

"C'mon Lil, we need all the vampire muscle we have to keep the Originals and Alaric away. I need your help on this." He tries once more, bringing his hands to rest on my shoulders as his lip begins to pout, an old trick he always tried to pull on me when we were children.

I cross my arms. His trick not working. "Still no!"

He sighs, running a hand through his hair before he locks eyes with me again. His expression is more desperate this time. "Lily, didn't you say that you came here to help us with our Original problem?" He pauses, letting the rhetorical question sit for a moment. "Well, if you did this then you'd be helping." He gives it once last chance to convince me, and hatefully it's kind of working.

Holding his begging gaze a few seconds longer, I give up, throwing my hands into the air. "Fine! I give, you win." Stefan smiles at this, wrapping his arms around me in an embrace before he heads back to the kitchen. If only he didn't use my own words against me.

Reluctantly, I follow Stefan into the kitchen where he begins chopping up some peppers. When he notices that I'm not doing anything except standing there, a displeased look on my face, he nudges some plates toward me, telling me to set the table. I groan, but do so anyways.

"Here I'll help," Matt says, picking up some silverware and napkins. He smiles at me and I smile back. Ok, maybe staying to help out won't be so bad after all.

"I'm being over coddled. I feel completely fine," Elena whines from the couch as see watches the three of us do everything for her.

"You're on house arrest. You're supposed to be coddled," Stefan calls out to her. Elena rolls her eyes at this. I roll my eyes at her rolling her eyes. Oh, how hard it must be to be Princess Elena and get everything you could ever want.

"Wouldn't it be smarter if we just got you the hell out of town?" Matt asks her, pausing, setting down the forks.

"And do what? Go on the run for the rest of my life? No thank you," Elena sneers, getting up with her blanket in hand. "And I'm not an invalid. I'm done with the couch." She leaves the room to put the blanket away.

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