I Need You

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 I sit on my bed painting my nails black when Stefan calls. Sighing, I reach over to answer the call, putting it on speaker so I can continue with my nails. We're still not on the best of terms. I've hardly said anything to him since that day at the Boarding House outside by his motorcycle. I bared my soul and then did what I always do. I ran away. I told him my truth and I know that one day we'll have to talk about it. I just hope it's not today. "Hey," I greet him, nervous about what he might say.

"Hi," he replies, the same discomfort I hold reflected in his tone.

"Did you get the cure?" He releases a long breath over the phone, telling me all I need to know. "What happened?"

"We ran into a little complication."

"Complication?" I echo.

"Katherine. She used Jeremy to wake up Silas and get the cure and now Jeremy's..."

"Dead?" I guess. It wasn't hard to connect the dots. Whenever Katherine is involved someone always ends up injured or dead. It's a shame though. I kind of liked Little Gilbert. He had balls. Capping the nail polish and letting my nails dry, I lean back. My head hits my pillow as I stare at the ceiling. "How's Doppelbitch taking it?"

He groans lightly, "I really wish you wouldn't call her that. But, she's not taking it well. She's in denial and thinks the Gilbert ring will revive him." I scrunch my forehead, thinking over his words. He's right. Jeremy became one of The Five, marking him supernatural. The ring only saves humans. "And now his corpse is rotting upstairs. I, uh, I'm not sure what to do."

"Well, have you explained to her that he's not coming back?"

"We're talking about Elena here. She feels grief more powerfully than anyone else. I think her denial is the one thing protecting her from letting it all in. And I don't want to be the one to break her out of it..."

I consider this for a moment. "And Damon? Where's he?" I've hardly talked to my older brother these last few days. So many things have happened that we've just been split up lately. Sometimes I feel bad. Sometimes I feel as though my relationship with Damon gets neglected, but it's not as though he's reaching out either. But I should still work on that. Even if he did pick Elena over me.

"Still on the island to find Bonnie and hopefully Katherine too."

I process this information. "Let me guess, you're waiting for his return so he can use the sire bond to make Elena feel better."

Stefan sighs. He sounds so tired. I wonder when the last time he really rested was. "That's the hope." He pauses. It's a long one. Our breaths the only sound between us. "Do you think you could come over here? Caroline's working with her mom to sort out a cover story and calling Meredith. And Lils, I'm not sure where we stand. If you hate me or I'm supposed to be mad at you, but honestly, I could really just use my sister right now."

His words pierce me in the heart. What am I supposed to say to that? I mean, I can't say no. Not after he said that. But he's right, I'm not sure where we stand. We've both done and said some nasty things, and I'm not sure that makes us even. Though, maybe it's time we figure it out. As kids, Stefan and I hardly fought. Sure trivial matters brought some disagreement, but in the end, we always stood together. I sigh into the phone, "I'll be there in five."


When I arrive, Stefan greets me at the door. It's awkward to say the least. I don't even know what to do around him anymore. He knows the truth about me now. "Meredith's up checking on Jeremy's body. She's going to see what she can do to help Elena understand." I nod, following him upstairs to Jeremy's room. Inside, Meredith stands by Jeremy's bed as Elena rambles. My eyes find Little Gilbert's body and a wave of sorrow washes over me. So young. He was so young. And just like my brothers, Katherine took away that youth.

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