Chapter 3

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She sighed rummaging through the different racks of clothes. She already found the perfect mask, it was black and it covered up most of her face. But now she needed an outfit to go with it. Maybe Zoro? That was the first character to pop into her mind. She already decided she would go as some dark god as girl, but as boy...
She sighed again. Until she found what she was looking for. Black jeans, a jacket, and a white button up. She just needed to pull the jacket off, put on horns and she was a girl. And not to forget to throw her hair into a bun when she went as boy.
She need a hat, she suddenly remembered. She quickly found a cowboy hat and went to pay. "You're going to the dance too?" she heard a deep male voice ask.
"Yup. you too I assume?" she turned towards Harry who nodded his head. "And may I ask why Harry Styles's talking to me?" she asked unsure.
"Since when do girls see it as a problem?" He shot back making her laugh.
"I'm not complaining just wondering. And nope, I'm not interested." She took him by surprise. Most girls would say they were interested or at least not boldly state they weren't interested.
"I was just asking you if you went to the dance not if you would go on a date with me." Harry laughed.
"Just making sure you won't try anything on me." she winked. She payed the girl and picked up her bags.
"Wait, I didn't catch your name." he called after her as she exited the shop.
She didn't turn around or wait for him. She kept on walking. Not wanting to see him again. Not wanting to see the boy she kissed. Not wanting to see the boy who quietly stole her heart. Very slowly. Or at least Stan's heart.
Harry paid for his things and didn't chase the girl. He was sure he was gay, he was sure he was in love with his best friend, Stan. So why follow a girl he would never be interested in anyway.
the next day at the training Stan was stretching when Harry walked onto the field. he looked at Stan who hadn't noticed him yet. He felt doubtful and wanted to turn back and flee.
She stretched her back one more time and then noticed Harry, she waved at him and he waved back. But he seemed awkward. She couldn't believe what he told her the other day, him being in love with her? it even sounded surreal.
"hey Harry." she smiled, but you could barley see her smile as it was covered with her helmet.
"hey Stan." Harry gave him a flirty wink, something she clearly noticed. So he wasn't joking. But how could he like her?! she was a girl.
"so today we'll start with, oh Ben?" the coach noticed the black haired boy. he grinned at the coach. he had his helmet under his arm.
he was what you would call a bad boy, skipping classes, being a rebel, teachers hating him, smoking, thousands girls at his feet. yet he doesn't look twice at one girl.
Finley looked at Ben, she had always found him interesting. becasue he did one thing that most bad boy type of boys didn't he was an artist. He was actually really smart, he had a different view on life.
this made him interesting, but she didn't like him. she was closer to disliking him then liking him really.
"surprised to see me sir?" he raised his eyebrow. his hair was in a messy quif and Finley understood why girls liked him.
"actually I am Ben." their coached replied honestly. Ben shrugged. not really caring, He took a glance at Stan. then at Harry who was looking at Stan. Ben shook his head. Loser.
they started their training, and when Harry wanted to ask Stan to do an exercise with him Ben got to Stan first.
"sorry Styles, I'll just borrow your boyfriend." Ben winked, making Harry angry. Stan wanted to protest but the glare Ben was giving him stoped him from doing so.
they continued, a tension between the two boys. Yes Harry had feelings for Stan, or that's what he thought. No Ben didn't have feeling for Stan. he told himself he didn't have feelings. Sometimes.
they ended up in the cafe, Stan didn't come. Harry left as soon he noticed Stan didn't come. Ben followed Harry's gesture.
"stay away Ben." Harry said angrily. Ben's cold laugh filled the cold air.
"why should I, I like seeing you squirm." there was an evil glint in Ben's eyes. He did like to see him squirm, he loved it. But only Harry.
"see you at home brother." Harry was only a year younger, but it irritated him badly. Ben had this bad image, Harry had the perfect image. they were total opposites. the only things they shared were their skills at football and that girls loved the two boys.
Ben walked off. Harry stayed behind in the cold, not wanting to walk home with his brother. Harry started to walk around the training area. until he bumped into a girl with a big bag.
"uhm hey." Harry said, the girl looked up at him. she didn't want to. she didn't want to be close to Harry. Harry recognized the girl.
"I still didn't catch your name, and I think fate wants me to know." he said a cheeky grin on his face. The girl laughed at him loudly.
"Harry."she said carefully. "You won't get my name, I thought you already knew that." Harry shrugged the grin still plastered onto his face.
"it was worth a try." he had hoped to get her name.
"you're right, but don't try again, I'm quite subborn." she winked then walked away the big bag following her. why would a girl like her need such a big bag? Harry wondered. he started to make his way home. he didn't change, he would do that at home.
the streets were usually abandoned at night, and no one would see him in his training clothes anyway. when he got home he wanted to take a shower, but somoene esle had the same idea as him.
probably Ben. Harry got up to his room and dressed into his pajams. which consisted of his boxers and one of his dad's old band tour shirts.
when Ben got out of the shower Harry quickly sprang underneath it. tomorrow would be the dance, he would be seeing Stan there. Harry had planned this night. he would kiss Stan again, or maybe not. maybe the school would laugh at him when they knew he was gay.
"hey brother." Ben said as Harry got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his middle.
"Ben." Harry said hatefully. Ben shrugged.
"I wouldn't get my hopes up that much about Stan you know, you never know what he's hiding." Ben said carelessly.
"are you jealous Ben?" Harry mocked him with a slight laugh. Ben being jealous of Harry? biggest joke ever.

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