(17) Nice to look at

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Chapter 17 (EDITED)

Nice to look at 

"Do we have to wear these shirts? they're itchy" Chris groans scratching all over his chest, I don't understand why they didn't like wearing shirts, they wear shorts! it's sort of the same thing.

 I look around the alphas even though they weren't complaining at all, I could tell they were uncomfortable, some were scratching themselves across the wall pretending to clean the floor, some were using utensils as a scratching tool. 

" keep sweeping you psychopath!" Dave glares 

" Luna, don't speak to him, he's crazy" 

"Hey, I am not crazy!" Chris defends himself 

I smile at the little alpha, he was too adorable to be a psychopath.

" Don't worry Dave, he's my friend," I say wiping the counter 

chris turns to me "we are?" he asks surprised.

I nod " yes" 

" cool cool" Dave nods glaring at Chris 

I take note of the clean kitchen, even the window was fixed and it only took them two hours.   "this is what happens when we all work together" I tell them 

"can we take our shirts off now?" Chris asks 

" if you want?" 

"Alphas, an hour until sunrise" Samuel  reminds everyone  walking in, " we should head out now" 

"bye luna Amma!" Chris waves running after Samuel, he was so cute I almost wanted to coo at him but I held myself back. 

"you know he killed his whole pack including his mom and dad right?" Dave says washing his hands 

I didn't know that, I know that he killed his alpha but the whole pack? How?

" He was so obsessed with becoming an alpha and joining our pack that-" 

"and what did you do to get into this pack?" I cut him off, i already knew Chris was mentally insane. what kind of 14-year-old boy would want to be here or be stuck being a 14 year old immortal? 

"nothing, you could say that Andrés and i were childhood friends" he smirks  

I nodded walking to the sink to wash my hands, Samuel did say that when he and his brother joined the pack it was only andrés, Dave and Naois. 

"so you never answered my question," Dave says 

does he mean the 'are you  single question?' 

i turn to the alpha raising my brows " uhm, you do know that i'm your alpha's mate right?" i ask 

"yea, but alpha Andrés hates you and you hate him" 

" dave!" 

Both Dave and i freeze at the voice that sounded exactly like Andrés.  Slowly i turn to the door to see a angry looking alpha, an amused cameron and a bored teivel standing there. 

They looked rugged, tired but Andrés looked flawless not a single dark hair out of place.  My eyes couldn't turn away from the brown-eyed alpha. 

He's so beautiful! 

My breath hitches when we make eye contact, I look away shly  " alpha, how was the trip?" i hear Dave says 

I don't why i felt weird out of nowhere,  my palms were starting to sweat and my stomach felt weird. 

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