[ Y E A R - O N E ]

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King's Cross, Harry had decided, was a completely terrifying place. There were too many people coming and going who had no regard for a small boy like him, and his efforts to get help from one of the guards had gotten him nothing but scorn. So, as soon as he heard that red-headed woman talking about 'Muggles' and 'Platform 9¾' he had latched onto her, relieved to find someone else who was part of this new world. If nothing else, it was proof that he wasn't simply crazy.

By this point, the woman - a Mrs. Weasley - had bustled her large family passed the magical barrier and onto the platform itself, and was now fussing over her youngest son, who looked irritated by the attention. Once she had finished adjusting his robes and rubbing at a stubborn spot on his nose, all the while chattering final bits of advice at him, she turned her focus onto Harry. He couldn't help but feel somewhat awkward - at the Dursley's it was best when he was ignored, after all. Mrs. Weasley patted his shoulder warmly, and then frowned when she felt how thin he was.

"You really should eat more, dear. It's like you haven't had a bite in days!" Her face wasn't judging, really, but a flash of shame ran through Harry all the same. It was closer to the truth than he cared to think about.

Harry's tone was only slightly defensive when he told her, "I'll keep that in mind." He could feel the embarrassment heating his cheeks and he ducked to the back of the train to stow his suitcase. He saw the twins from before loading their things and tried to slip away before he was noticed, but one of them caught sight of him and waved.

"Want a hand? Get over here and help, Fred." Not waiting for his response, the two grabbed his trunk and heaved it into the train. As they turned back to him, the twin on the right's eyes widened as he noticed the scar on his forehead.

Sounding only slightly shocked, he blurted out, "Blimey, you're Harry Potter!"

That caught the attention of near everyone around them, and people began mumbling and craning to look at him. Already on edge, Harry choked out a thank you and dashed onto the train as fast as he could. Over the sounds of the crowd, he could just barely hear one of the twins shouting to their mother. "Mum, Mum! You told Harry Potter he was too skinny!"

His nerves had made him antsy, and instead of slipping into the first empty compartment he found, Harry decided to wander the train a bit. Brushing his bangs flat over his forehead, he wandered down the hallway, watching with wide eyes as the students chatted and produced items that were clearly magical in nature.

"Hey, you there!" A slightly familiar voice said, and Harry whirled around to see the blonde boy from the clothing shop staring after him. He didn't think he'd ever caught his name.

Smiling slightly awkwardly, Harry waved back at him. "Hello."

The boy bustled over to him, his own smile completely sure. "I remember you. We met in Madame Malkin's." Harry nodded. "You seemed alright then. Do you have a place to sit yet?" He shook his head no. The boy grabbed him by arm in response and practically dragged him into the compartment he'd been in.

Inside were three other people - two large, stocky boys who were sharing some candy between them, and a girl with dark hair and an upturned nose. They all looked at him in surprise as the boy presented him to them with a flourish.

"This is Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle." He introduced, sounding very formal as if he were at some kind of fancy party. As he spoke their names, each waved and gave slightly strained smiles. "And this is..." The boy blinked at him, suddenly realizing he didn't know his name. "I don't believe we exchanged names last time we met. I'm Draco Malfoy. What's your name?"

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