chapter twelve: detention in the forbidden forest

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The idea of having a connection with Lily in some way made Harry's heart soar, and he pressed his bag to his chest and muttered the password, 'Knotgrass'. He stumbled into the Common Room with a small, private smile.

When he got into the Common Room, Harry saw Pansy and Draco sitting on one of the couches and joined them. The two of them blinked at his expression.

"Someone hit you with a Cheering Charm or something?" Draco asked one eyebrow arching.

Harry shook his head, silent. He was kind of afraid to talk about it, like if the words escaped him the feelings would fly out with them. Instead, he settled in next to Draco, pressing himself against the other boy's side.

At first, Draco blinked at him, confused, but he evidently decided it would do no good to ask questions, and instead pressed back and continued his conversation with Pansy. The girl blinked at the two of them and shared a look with Draco.

They stayed like that, Harry revealing in the new found connection with the mother he didn't remember, and Draco and Pansy offering all the quiet companionship they could until dinner.


"We should see Hagrid," Harry suggested.

Time really did fly when they were in their classes and already almost two full months had gone by since their return to Hogwarts. They had been researching Nicolas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone as much as they could between their classes and they were getting no further on the idea of who could try to steal the Stone.

"I don't want to see Hagrid," Pansy whined, pouting over her Herbology textbook.

"If he got the Stone for Dumbledore to protect, then they must have some kind of clue about who they need to protect it from."

Pansy let out an overdramatic, exasperated sigh and blew a strand of hair out of her face. "Fine, we'll go after dinner."

Draco shot a look at Pansy before wincing when she kicked him hard in the shin. He glowered at her and rubbed his aching shin before flipping open his Charms textbook. He looked at the piece of parchment on the table and sat up straighter. He swished-flicked and "'Wingardium Leviosa!'"

"We already know that one, you git." Harry rolled his eyes. "Why not try something new?"

"Well, let's see you do something perfect, Mr. Potter," Draco retorted, falsely snide.

Harry snorted and rolled up the sleeves of his robe and pulled out his wand. He gripped it firmly and gave it a wave. "Engorgio!" The piece of parchment tripled in size and Pansy applauded politely.

"Where'd you learn that one?"

"In one of the books at Draco's house. I thought it was kind of cool."

"How d'you get it back?" Draco asked dryly.

Harry shrugged his shoulders and earned a cushion to the face for his efforts. He righted his glasses on his face and glared at Draco who smirked and stuck his tongue out. Harry rolled his eyes at the display and turned the page in his book and looked to Pansy. "Why don't you try the Knockback Jinx?"

Pansy nodded and flourished her wand. She held it upright for a few long moments, concentrating before she slashed downward. "'Flipendo!'"

Harry gave a cry when the spell hit him full force in the chest and he toppled backward in his chair and landed on the floor. He lay there a moment, splayed out before he rolled onto his side and picked himself up. He righted his glasses once again and smoothed down his hair to no avail. "Brilliant."

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