chapter thirty four: christmas at hogwarts

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A few days later Harry stood outside Professor Lupin's door, stepping from foot to foot nervously. He had already finished his homework and the restless itch to do something was nagging at him. Finally, he raised his fist and knocked. Less than a minute later Lupin answered, looking in far better health.

"Ah! Harry! Come in, come in, tea?"

"No, thank you, sir."

Harry shifted again as he stood by the chair and watched as Lupin sipped his tea. "Sir... I was wondering if you could help me with the Patronus charm."

"I'd be delighted to. I was under the impression that Professor Sna--" He watched the way Harry's eyes fell and how he looked to the side. "Ah. Well. Say no more. Professor Dumbledore has asked me to do away with it. I suppose it would do some good to help you with your magic before then. When would you like to start?"


Lupin gave a low laugh. "It's late, Harry. Less than an hour until curfew."

"You could write me a pass, couldn't you? I mean I'm working on my magic, not snogging in the halls."

Lupin watched him for a long moment before draining his tea. "If you think you're ready."

Harry watched as Lupin pocketed several wrappers of chocolate before they slipped out and down towards the lounge, which would no doubt be empty for the night. The walk was silent for the most part.

"Professor... His boggart is kind of funny."

"Is it now? Well, boggarts are deeply personal things. Perhaps it is a deep-rooted issue from his past."

Harry pursed his lips as they waited on a staircase. "I don't think so. It seemed rather childish to me."

They advanced when they staircase slid into place. "It isn't dark, is it?"

Harry laughed and rounded a corner. "No. It's a werewolf." Harry stopped when he heard Lupin stop. "What? Is something wrong?"

Lupin offered a thin smile. "Nothing, Harry. It's just..." Lupin shook his head. "Nothing for you to trouble your head about. Come along, we have a boggart to defeat."

They entered the lounge and Lupin lit the room with a flick of his wand. Harry took a deep breath. He felt strange. The last time he had done this he had Ananta with him, but now he was alone. He flourished his wand and closed his eyes and focused on his memory. It wasn't even a memory - but he hoped it soon would be - Sirius Black killed by his own hands. He took a deep breath again to center himself.

"I'm ready."

Lupin released the boggart. Harry gripped his wand tighter as the spectral figure of the dementor advanced. He clung to the fantasy like a lifeline. "Expecto Patronum!" He expected the fine silver mist to shoot from his wand. Harry gulped in air as ice gripped deep inside of him and he stabbed again with his wand. "E-expec...." He wavered on his feet before dropping like a stone.

Lupin banished the boggart quickly and knelt down beside Harry with a wedge of chocolate. "Extra dark."

Harry bit off a corner of the square with a faint smile. "I'm never going to get it right."

"It has to be a happy memory, Harry. Not just a good one, not just a mediocre one. The best memory you can think of."

Harry hissed through his teeth. No wonder it hadn't worked. He scrubbed a hand over his face. "I don't exactly have many of those, sir. Perhaps... Perhaps you could give me an example."

Lupin opened his mouth to reply before closing it and looking away as he colored a deep red. "I think not, Harry."

"Why not, sir."

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