chapter nine: christmas shopping

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Harry shook himself off when he came through the fireplace, crashing hard into the floor of the station in Diagon Alley. So that's what Floo was. He didn't like it. He could taste soot and ash and he was pretty sure he was covered in it. A loud noise sounded behind him and he gave a strangled, startled noise when Draco landed half on top of him, rolling off onto the floor of the station.

"Come, come," Narcissa's voice sounded and Harry hauled himself up, watching as Narcissa Vanished the soot and ash from Draco's clothing with gentle flicks of her wand.

Harry stood still while Narcissa did the same to him, his eyes lowering down to his patched clothes, which swam on him, in shame. Even on the train Draco, like some other Pureblood students, had worn modified robes. Now he was dressed in a pair of well-fitted jeans and a deep blue turtleneck sweater. He took a fluffy, large black parka from his mother and shrugged it on and zipped it with a quiet 'thank you, Mother'.

"Harry, did someone jinxes your clothes?"

Harry scratched the back of his neck and kicked his dirty shoes in a line of ash on the floor. "No, Narcissa."

"Well, clearly those Muggles didn't know how to dress you. No matter, we'll fix that first before attending to your robes. I also need to pick up some potions supplies."

Harry gaped at the woman but took the jacket she had brought for him - deep red - and zipped it up, pulled the hood over his head and jammed his hands into his pockets. They had been warned the weather was blustery and cold. They threw themselves into the snowy cold.

A quick passage through the Leaky Cauldron had them onto the streets of London. Harry made to protest that he hadn't changed any of his gold to pounds, but he figured fighting against Draco's mother would be useless. It was strange, Harry thought, watching as Narcissa moved effortlessly through the crowds of people with a haughty air about her that was mimicked less severely by Draco, to see the witch in modernity. The regal nature of her attitude seemed so out of place. Harry, however, had no problems blending in and disappearing as he shoved his nose down into the collar of his coat to keep his face warm and trudged through the snow, shoulders hunched.

They boarded a taxi and Harry and Draco loaded themselves into the back, shivering despite the short walk, while Narcissa eased herself into the front seat. She managed to look effortlessly perfect while also looking subtly disturbed as if the existence of a car annoyed her. She gave the address and they started off. The ride was unusually quiet, filled with sounds of the radio turned low and the two-way talkies for the cabbie. Harry looked out the window and watched the streets slip by as they turned into the more fashionable areas of London. Before long they turned onto Bond Street and they stopped. Narcissa opened her clutch purse and pulled out a wallet, she rooted around a minute before pulling out a few notes and handed them off to the cabbie, who stared down at the notes - which were far more than necessary - before pocketing them and doling out change.

They climbed out of the car and without a word Narcissa strode across the iced, shoveled pavement and walked into Ralph Lauren's boutique. Draco followed after her unhesitatingly but Harry stopped outside the store and peered into the large glass windows feeling out of place. Seconds later Narcissa opened the door and looked at him and he dashed inside quickly.

Draco was already draped in a chair, his coat being carried off by an attendant and he looked perfectly at home with an expression of boredom. Harry hesitantly handed off his coat and ducked his head in embarrassment when the shop girl looked him top to toe and her lip curled. He may as well have been the scum on her shoe. Harry looked around the shop in wonder before he trailed after Narcissa when she called his name and started pulling things randomly from the shelves and draped things over her arm.

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