chapter nineteen: gilderoy lockhart

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The next week flew by at almost a breakneck pace. They went to the Dueling Competition, which Harry enjoyed greatly, and learned plenty of new, interesting spells to cast. He especially liked the ones that, while they didn't physically harm in the sense of leaving cuts or damage, they were still very powerful. The days were filled with Harry trying out new potions with his present from Snape - including perfecting a color change potion; orange to green - and sent it off to Snape. He received an owl the next day that his solution was weak and a little thin. It made him smile.

By the end of the week, their Hogwarts Letters arrived and they were off to Diagon Alley. They Flooed there. Harry found that while not much better, he preferred it to Apparating. He had dressed casually for the hot weather in a polo shirt and faded jeans, making him stand out against the impeccably dressed, muted dark tones of the Malfoys. They made their way through the long, busy streets and stopped first at the Apothecary to gather their needed potions ingredients. If there was one thing Harry had learned last year, it was that Snape, while required by school mandate, hated students using his supply cupboard. After they gathered up all the disgusting ingredients they could, they sent them away to the Manor.

They ran into Pansy, who was getting her robe re-fitted and chatted to her in Madame Malkin's. They made plans to meet her at a cafe by Scribbulus Everchanging Inks after they finished their shopping. They paused by Quality Quidditch Supplies where Harry and Draco both spent a long time peering at the new Nimbus 2001 broom in the window. Harry was loathed. He loved his Nimbus 2000, but if anyone on the opposing teams, especially the Seekers, got a new broom, they had a speed advantage.

Finally,, they went into Flourish and Blotts to get their textbooks. Almost all of them were by some wizard named Gilderoy Lockhart, whom Harry didn't know, but who Narcissa was muttering angrily about. The store was packed when they filed inside. More insane than usual and Harry grunted in displeasure. He forced his way through the crowd to get to the stairs leading to the second level. There was a man by the register, a series of books stacked high beside him and behind him a poster with his beaming face on it. Magical Me by Gilderoy Lockhart! Harry's brow rose in appalled amusement; that was Lockhart?

"Merlin's beard!" Lockhart exclaimed as he paused in his preening. "Is that Harry Potter?"

As one the crowd gathered around Lockhart turned and gawked. Harry groaned silently, wishing nothing more than to disappear. He hated attention and being 'special' more than anything. He wanted to be 'just Harry'. A man barrelled his way through the crowd and dragged him through the people. Harry was shouldered and touched and gasped at. He was eventually shoved beside Lockhart and blinked owlishly as flashbulbs went off everywhere, practically blinding him.

The worst part was behind it all, he could see Draco laughing.


Lockhart threw a casual arm around Harry's shoulder, and Harry had to resist the very strong urge to shove him off, and maybe curse him. When he squirmed a bit, trying to get free, Lockhart clamped down on his side, and he swallowed down a little burst of panic.

"What wonderful timing you have, Harry, my dear boy. You've arrived just in time for my big announcement." He paused again for the camera flashes before he raised his voice so that everyone in the shop could hear him perfectly. "When Harry Potter walked Flourish and Blotts, he expected only to obtain my latest book, Magical Me. But not only will I be giving him that, absolutely free," He paused for some people - near all witches with stars in their eyes - to simper about that. "But I'll do him one better. He'll be getting the real Magical Me! This year, I will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts to the lucky students at Hogwarts!"

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