chapter twenty: invaded quidditch pitch

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"Hello, Harry," Blaise greeted as Harry entered the Slytherin compartment of the Hogwarts Express.

"'lo Blaise. Good summer?"

"Alright. Went to Sweden with my mum and her new fiance. Swedish witches are on point."

Harry returned Blaise's impish grin as he moved through the aisle, looking in various compartments for Pansy. He cringed when he passed one with the shade down and obvious sounds coming from it. He kicked the door. "Cast a silencing charm, won't you?" Seconds later the sounds were gone.

Advancing down the line Harry finally found the small four square of seats Pansy had procured and waved. She waved back and patted the seat next to her. Across from her was another girl. Harry was sure he had seen her around, but he couldn't place her name. She was stocky and round-faced with hard brown eyes and curly, dark hair. He nodded to her in greeting and she grunted.

"This is Millicent," Pansy introduced. "Everywhere else was full, unless you wanted to sit in the Hufflepuff car. Or sit with the firsties."

Harry shrugged. "This is fine."

"Where's Draco?"

Harry looked at Pansy as he tugged a book from his bag. The day before they had returned to Diagon Alley for any last minute things. It had been an utter madhouse. Still, Harry had purchased some books, some of which were written by Shakespeare - "honestly, you think that man was a Muggle" Draco had proclaimed with an eye roll - and some by Wizarding authors. "Last I saw he was talking to Flint about signing up for Quidditch. He said he'd join us after he saw Crabbe and Goyle."

Pansy nodded her head and opened her copy of Magical Me. Harry did his best not to roll his eyes at Lockhart's preening, winking photo. Instead, he opened his copy of Hamlet.

A few minutes later, Draco made his way in, closing the door behind him with a decisive click. He was smirking big enough to split his face in two, and plopped down beside Millicent with a considering glance, before labeling her as mostly inconsequential and nodding slightly. Millicent blinked back and seemed to decide the same thing, before turning her gaze out the window.

From where he was sprawled regally, Draco tilted his head slightly in anticipation. Harry rolled his eyes over the cover of his play but obliged. "What did Flint say, Draco?" He asked, voice ever so slightly theatrical.

"I talked to him about the Chaser position, and told him about my Father's offer." Draco paused dramatically. "He said he'd be looking for me, and he sounded very interested indeed." The blonde preened, and Pansy gave him a distracted smile before turning back to Lockhart's 'adventures'. Millicent grunted.

Harry, however, frowned. "What offer?"

An eyebrow was arched in his direction. "My Father offered to buy the entire team Nimbus 2001s if he put me on the team." Harry's face blanked slightly, and Draco waved a hand at him. "Don't worry, you can still use your broom. It was a present after all."

Shaking his head, Harry responded, "No, that's not it. Well, yes, I will be using my Nimbus, but..." He paused for a few moments. "I just think I would hate it if I got on the team just because my dad bought me on. I'd want to get the position because I'm the best."

Draco snorted, sounding vaguely insulted. "Oh, come off it. I'm simply using all the resources at my disposal."

Okay, he'd tried to nice way. "Oh, okay. I just thought you'd want to show how a Malfoy handles himself on a broom. If you just buy your way on, then everyone will think that's why you made the team, and that your talent wasn't enough. I guess even a Malfoy can't be the best at everything."

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