chapter forty: the quidditch world cup

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I am dedicating this chapter one of my very good friends and fellow writer: hollyhockhana. Please go ahead and read her new books! Her sequel just came out! Click the link!

The morning of the Quidditch Cup started before the sun. A House-elf appeared in Harry's room and enthusiastically woke him by making the mattress jump. After a few minutes of cursing, Harry managed to untangle himself from the blankets and Ananta. Slowly the cobwebs faded and a jolt of excitement shot through him.

It was today!

He got ready in record time, and after a few minutes decided not to bring Ananta with him. The snake did not have any good thoughts about flying, and in a crowd could either cause a bit of a panic or get hurt. Possibly both.

Once finished he grabbed the bag he had packed the night before and ducked out, making his way down the hall towards Draco's room. He burst in, not bothering to knock, only to find the other boy still sprawled out on his bed, regardless of the House-elf's best efforts.

A smirk crossed Harry's face. He was going to enjoy this.

Backing up a few steps, Harry took a flying leap and landed on the bed next to the other boy, smacking him full in the chest with one outstretched arm. Draco gave a loud 'Umf!' before kicking and flailing in panic, managing to toss himself off the mattress altogether and to land in a tangled heap of sheets and long pale limps.

Harry was far too busy laughing to help Draco get himself free. Because of this, he was unprepared when the other boy launched himself at Harry, knocking him flat, and grabbing a pillow to his the still chuckling brunette.

"You prat!" Draco declared, mashing the pillow all the harder into Harry's face. "What was that for?"

Kicking at the slightly larger boy until he managed to get free, he responded, "You didn't wake up. It's the World Cup today!" He grabbed the pillow from Draco and made a swipe at his side. "C'mon, get up! If we're late because of you I'll never forgive you."

The Malfoy heir grumbled but got off the bed towards a neat stack of clothes. Harry flopped back, so he was sprawled out and relaxed into Draco's bed, completely comfortable. He closed his eyes and let out a happy sigh.

A pause in the noise of rustling fabric made Harry crack his eyes open, and he saw Draco staring at him, eyes slightly distant. When he noticed Harry's attention, his posture went suddenly straight and he glanced away. At this angle, the brunette could see the tips of his fair ears turn red.

That was weird.

"Stop daydreaming and get ready!" Harry called, throwing the pillow across the room so that it smacked into blonde hair.

Draco huffed at him, but did speed up a bit. He started mumbling under his breath about how unnatural it was to get up before the sun had even rose, and Harry ignored the complaints with practiced easy.

A short time later found them read to go, and Draco awake enough to have caught Harry's excitement. They went down the stairs two at a time, skidding to a halt in the foyer. Lucius and Narcissa were waiting for them, wearing robes that were somewhat fancier than they normally wore. Seats in the Minister's box were something to get dressed up for, Harry guessed.

Glancing down at the boys, Lucius asked, "Are you two ready?"

He got two sets of grins, before Draco schooled his features into something more aristocratic. "Yes, sir!" They chorused.

"Right, then." The group of them made their way out of the grounds and passed the gates. Not too far from the entrance was some sort of discarded metal rod.

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