chapter thirty seven: uncovering the truth

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QUICK NOTE: does anyone know the KPOP boy band, IKON? If so, you know Junhoe, right, or June, he's reallllly annoying and the main vocalist, okie? heres a super cool video of him being loud, cute and annoying for ten minutes straight.



Before he could react, Black lashed out with Draco's wand, croaking, "Expelliarmus!"

Pansy and Harry's wands flew from their grasps, and Harry let out a snarl of rage that made Pansy grip his arm tightly. "You bastard." He growled.

The convict blinked at him, as though surprised by the reaction. His eyes darted down to the crest on Harry's chest and back to his face and cocked his head. "Never thought that... a Slytherin, huh? How did that...? And hanging around with a Malfoy... I wonder what Lily and James have thought." He sounded honestly curious and just slightly shocked. Harry's eyes narrowed into little slits of green fireworks.

His own voice took on the dangerous grumble he'd learned from Snape over the past few months, as he took a step forward, ignoring Pansy's distressed hiss. "I guess we'll never know, will we? You made sure of that."

Black took a step back to match Harry's and he shook his head like a wet dog. "No, no, I-"

Fury bubbled up in him, and Harry snorted disdainfully. "What can't admit to it? Even after all these years? We all know, Black. It was all your fault. And you're going to pay for it." He last he growled out, and the bright blue eyes of the convict looked strangely hurt by the words.

Finally, the man pointed his wand at Harry's chest. "Stop! Don't come any closer. I can-"

A sneer, again copied from Snape, twisted Harry's face. "What, you'll kill me too? Preparing to finish the job for your precious Master?"

"No! Just shut up! Would you-" He cut off and shook his head again, before glancing between Harry and Draco. "You did come after him... I had hoped, despite... Slytherin... But you came for him, and not for a teacher." Something like a smile curled up on his face. "Your father would have done the same thing for me. Very brave of you."

The comment about his father sent Harry over the edge, and he would have launched himself at Black if Pansy hadn't grabbed the back of his robes. "Harry, stop it!"

Meanwhile, Draco was struggling to sit up, his face going paler than normal, but his eyes bright. "Stay away from him, you miserable dog." His voice came out with all the regal tones of Draco at his brattiest. "You don't deserve to be anywhere near him. And I will kill you if you touch him."

Now Black was staring at him in astonishment. "But... a Malfoy..." He twisted the wand from Harry to Draco, and Pansy again had to hold the Harry back. "Lay back, before you hurt yourself."

"You shouldn't be worrying about the state of my health. Worry about your own when I get my hands on you."

A wicked grin appeared on Black's face at that. "Oh, there's only going to be one murder tonight."

Harry snarled at him. "Why, found it too disdainful last time, with all those poor Muggles? Or when you blasted Pettigrew into bits? I guess Azkaban did manage to get to you after all. Not enough, obviously-"

He was cut off when Pansy tugged harder on his robes. "Shut up, Harry! Don't anger the homicidal maniac!"

"Why shouldn't I? He killed my parents! He's the reason I had to stay at the Dursley's for ten years!"

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