Chapter 1- New York's Alien Invasion

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June 12, 2012

It was Saturday morning. It had been about a month since 35H-GQ had escaped HYDRA. She had found shelter in a small alley near Times Square. This past month had been hard on the 11 year old girl, but she knew her situation could've been worse; she could've still been held at HYDRA.

In these past few weeks, 35H-GQ had to learn how to live in the outside world. The first week was the hardest because she had no idea what to do. Her entire life at HYDRA was a fixed routine. She.....uh.....what was it again? Her memories of Hydra had been slowly fading away. It didn't bother her though. Not that it would've done her any good, she had thought bitterly. But as she stood in front of weird looking buildings and way more people than she could count, she realized that she had to learn. She had to learn how to survive in a large city like New York. And learn, she did. She learned how to steal food, money, clothes and a lot of other necessities. How to bathe in the dirty water of her small alley and how to value every tiny bread-crumb.

35H-GQ had found a nearby library which taught her loads about how to survive. In the library, she read different genres from Dora the Explorer to Fundamentals of Thermodynamics. She started to understand the history of the world and the curious aspects of the beautiful life she had been denied. Fortunately, she was gifted with an extraordinary brain that sped up the learning process.

It was a warm sunny day when everything went downhill. 35H-GQ had just returned from the library with some new books in her hands. She walked into her alley with a bright smile adorning her face, adding to her some-what childish looks. She pulled out a bunch of bricks from the building next to the alley and put her stuff in the little opening. She grabbed an old, worn-out book from her secret place and placed back the bricks, carefully making sure not to let any books fall out. She sat down on the cemented ground and started to read her book.

She discovered this secret place 2 weeks ago while she was eating her food. Naturally, she decided to use it for her own advantage. Now the secret place had some food and clothes, which she stole from the stores on the streets, and a small blue blanket, which, surprisingly enough, was given to her by a generous man.

As she sat in her alley reading, a blast suddenly knocked her to a wall. With blurry vision and a bruised back, she struggled to sit up straight. She tearfully blinked her eyes, as she tried to get rid of the dizziness in her head- a natural effect of being thrown to a wall. Slowly her vision turned back to normal and she was able to see exactly what was happening.

Her eyes widened as she saw space shuttles flying all over the skies of New York City. She got up with difficulty and spotted a shuttle. On the shuttle, there was some kind of alien driving it as a man in green, black, and golden armor pointed him. The man was wearing some kind of pointy crown which made it obvious that he was the cause of what was happening. 35H-GQ distractedly thought that villains were way too cliched for their own good.

She looked around her and realized her "home" had been totally trashed. Suddenly a feeling of raw rage spread through 35H-GQ's veins. She got up, ignoring the searing pain in her back for now. She spotted a few pointy rocks on the ground, so she picked them up and climbed on a dumpster. She then aimed the rocks at the green man.

"Leave us alone!!!" She yelled as she threw the rocks. "Get lost, you monster!

Slowly, but surely, the man changed the shuttle's direction and moved towards her. He glared at her as she kept throwing her tiny rocks at him. He sneered and looked at the little girl in front of him.

"And what kind of suicide mission are you on, you pathetic little creature?" he asked.

35H-GQ distinctly noted that the way his lips moved looked a bit unfamiliar-"British" she guessed- while glaring at him. He glared at her even harder, which brought some tears into her eyes.

The man vaguely reminded her of........Oh god, not again! Not now! She couldn't remember yet another piece of her past! This was getting seriously annoying, she thought irritatedly. She didn't mind forgetting about HYDRA, but, loath as she was to admit it, HYDRA was her past. She can't just let it go.

She was shocked out of her musings by a crash. She suddenly remembered where she was, and the ever present glare made her feel so weak and small.

 She suddenly remembered where she was, and the ever present glare made her feel so weak and small

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(Sorry if my drawing is a little rough 😅)

"Go away, freak!!" She cried, abandoning all stance of bravery. She started throwing rocks at him again, even though she knew it wouldn't affect him. "You broke my alley! Do you even know how hard it is for me to find a place to live in?!?!"

The green man grew angrier at the little mortal who dared to defy him. He glared at her harder, but this time, she only glared back. He can't seriously think that he could use the same trick to intimidate her twice, could he? 'What a joke', 35H-GQ, thought savagely.

"Who do you think you are?" He said with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Someone much better than you." 35H-GQ said snidely, feeling more defiant by the minute. How dare that stupid alien ruin the only real home she'd ever known?!

The green man seemed to have had enough of her childish behavior. He raised his scepter at her and was about to blast a beam, when a red and gold iron suit fired at him. The man cursed and quickly went back to his shuttle. The alien instantly took off.

The iron suit turned to 35H-GQ and took his mask off to reveal a man with dove brown eyes. He looked at her worriedly. The first time an adult had looked at her like that, she ruefully thought.

"Kid? Are you alright?" He asked her. She read his lips easily and nodded. The man smiled and let out a breath of relief.

"Right, now I need to take you somewhere safe. Is that ok with you?" He asked and held his hand out.

35H-GQ glanced suspiciously at his hand then narrowed her eyes at him in disbelief. Just how dumb did he think she was? She wasn't about to go with a stranger she just met. Even if said stranger had just probably saved her life.

"You really expect me to trust you that easily? Who are you, anyways?" She asked.

The man's lips quirked up in amusement, "I'm Iron Man-" but his answer was cut short when a blast exploded behind them.

Iron Man quickly put his mask back on and grabbed 35H-GQ, then flew into the air. 35H-GQ gasped when he took off. She could feel the breeze on her face as Iron Man flew with her around the city. She felt strangely at peace. But of course, the only peaceful moment in her life had to come to an end. Iron Man dropped her where the citizens were going underground to a safer area. Before he flew away, 35H-GQ whispered a thank you into his ear and smiled slightly at him. As Iron man took off into the air, she swore to herself to never forget the man who saved her life. And of course, she never did.


So as I said, I'm starting rewriting the old story with this one. This story will have a better story-line, better grammar, and over all better everything. Really hope you like it guys.

Love, Zendaya's wife ❤️

November 10, 2018

Word Count: 1382




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