Chapter 16- Breaking Down

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Sorry I'm a little late. Btw this chapter is really (extremely ) take it easy ;)


"Who are you?"




"I...I wasn't expecting that" 35H-GQ said hoarsely.

"Well, do forgive us for not reaching your expectations." Tony said sarcastically but gently. "But please answer the question."

35H-GQ looked around and bit the inside of her cheek. Should she tell them, should she not? They might take her away and lock her up as one of their freaks, but they might also care enough to let her go, right?

She didn't do anything that bad. She thought back to the last thing she could remember and it was of her pushing Steve with her power. Yeah, it wasn't that bad. She could tell them what she remembers and maybe they would help her............What was she even thinking?! These guys were the Avengers, for god's sake! Their job was to help people and keep them safe; last time she checked, she was part of that category. But then again, they're not as nice as they appear. They put her in a fucking cage and cuffed her to a bed.

"Kid?" Steve asked, bringing her back from her thoughts.

35H-GQ looked up and sighed. She got up from the bed and walked closer to the glass. She looked at the ground and said in a small voice.

"I don't know." She looked back up to read their lips.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'?" Maria said with a glare.

"I don't know who I am...or even what I am." 35H-GQ said uncomfortably.

" We went through so much trouble to get it out of you." Natasha growled angrily. "We need more."

"Trouble?" 35H-GQ asked with a frown.

Tony walked closer to the glass and folded his arms in front of his chest.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asked suspiciously.

"Why? What happened? What did I do?" 35H-GQ was asking in panic. She felt nervous and really, really scared. She did something bad, she could feel it. Did she break something? Or hurt someone? Or kill- no that's not possible. She could never do something as horrible as that. Right?

"Calm down and answer the question." Maria said firmly.

"I-I don't...umm..I was trying to get out of the building when Steve and Vision came...I used my...p-power to get out.......umm it gets blurry-y......" 35H-GQ recited in a shaky voice . "I think I went to a park or something...and-and I passed out? What did I d-do?"

" Destruction is what you did" Natasha said calmly but the anger visible in her eyes told a different story. 35H-GQ swallowed a lump in her throat."You were out of control. You made the sky turn red and made the ground shake. You almost killed half the city-"

"Romanoff! I think that's enough." Tony inserted firmly when he saw 35H-GQ's terrified face.

"I-I...killed?" 35H-GQ asked slowly. She had gone completely pale and her eyes doubled in size. The four adults fell silent and avoided eye contact. "How many..?"

The silence stretched for a while until Maria cleared her throat.

"15 were injured...12 were killed." Maria finally said.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop. She.......had killed? She stole someone' But............what? When? How could she? Her mind was reeling. She couldn't believe it. No, no, no. It can't be true! She couldn't have! Her brain was trying to process what just happened.

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