Chapter 23- Discovering New Abilities •

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I'm extremely sorry for not uploading anything for a while now... it's just I used to daydream in school about the story, but now I can't.

So yeah... 🙂

Enjoy! ;)


February 18, 2016

"I think I got it..." Robin mumbled to herself as she scribbled on a wall with a piece of white charcoal.

After Steve and Robin ran off with Bucky, they found Sam and went to hide in an abandoned building. At the moment, Bucky was still unconscious with his metal arm locked tightly in a magnet, preventing him from doing any more damage.

Robin was on her knees, with a piece of charcoal in her hand. She had written hundreds of equations, solutions, and graphs on one of the walls in the building as Steve and Sam watched, confused.

Her clothes were still a bit wet from the lake they fell into and her hair was a mess; she'd lost the hair band Wanda gave her. Of course, all the fighting- if you could even call it that with how little she participated in the battle- hadn't left her unscathed. Her body was covered in bruises and scratches, but, well, the pain barely even registered in her brain, considering how little the damage was compared to what she'd been through before.

After their big escape, Robin decided to assess her powers- granted she didn't have time to check everything, but there was one thing she was determined to find out: what would happen if she mixed up the telekinesis and the illusions? It was currently the most important question in regards to her power.

"Got what?" Sam frowned, cutting her thought process.

Robin felt the vibrations- of course she did, she's been deaf for, like, more than half a decade- and turned around, her eyes still facing the ground. She picked the white charcoal and drew a circle on the floor. She smiled widely and finally looked up at Sam.

"What did you say?" She asked innocently.

"What are you doing, Robin?" Steve asked with a frown of his own.

"Ok, umm..well it's kinda complicated- actually scratch that, it's really complicated." Robin said and started drawing equations on the ground next to the circle. "So, you know how when I use my telekinesis, my body temperature increases, which is, well, let's just say, super bad for me, and that I use ice as a way to not only drop my temperature, but to heal my injuries too...?"

"Yeah...that's basic knowledge as far as I know" Sam replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Robin rolled her eyes, "Well, you see, I actually tried to use my other ability, illusions, which caused a killer headache and a not-so-pretty nosebleed. Both suck and hurt a lot." She shrugged. "Anyways that's not what the writing on the wall is about. I thought, what if I take part of my telekinesis and part of my illusions, then smack them together?"

"Is that even possible-?" Steve started.

"It is! I've calculated the amount of energy from both sides, and it works!" Robin interrupted him and wiped her dirty hands on her wet clothes. "'s supposed to work... that's why I'm gonna try it."

"Wouldn't that require a lot of energy, though?" Steve asked with concern.

"...yeah, but this isn't even half of what I want to do." Robin answered with a smirk.

She took a deep breath and looked at the ground. Slowly, she closed her eyes and focused. She thought about home. She'd wondered before if HYDRA counts as home, but then she decided it doesn't. Home was the place where she felt truly free- HYDRA wasn't even close. She thought about her old abandoned booth on 28th avenue. The one where she spent most of her worry-free days. Now that she thought about it, it seemed like such a long time, felt nostalgic even, but in reality, she knew it had only been a couple of days. She missed those days- the worst of her worries was rent. She smiled bitterly. Oh, if she could only go back. She'd thought rent was such a huge thing at the time, and, well, it was, technically. At the time, she wasn't wanted by the government for abetting a criminal's escape. She sighed softly.

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