Chapter 13- Analysing the Facts

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Before I start this chapter, I want to make a big shout out to Ericaisawesome101 .

I read her story 'Promise?' and tbh it's amazing.

It's kind of similar to this one, but it's original at the same time.

Check it out if you can!


"Where's the kid?" Tony asked when Steve entered the room. Tony looked much better after the attack, but he was still a bit shaken up.

Steve looked at his team gravely as he sat down on the sofa.

"She's gone." He said quietly. Tony was getting angrier by the second.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Rogers?!" Tony yelled and Rhodes had to hold him back. "She's kid! A kid! And you're a grown-ass man!-"

"She's not normal." Steve interrupted.

"Not normal?...what do you mean?" Natasha asked with a frown and walked closer to Steve

"She....she has powers....?" Steve said as he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think of a right way to word it.

"....what kind of powers...?" Wanda asked suspiciously.

"I don't know....but she was able to push me off without using her telekinesis or something." Steve explained.

Tony started chuckling a little. He got up and walked over to Steve with a toothy grin.

"Wait, so you're telling me that the girl I just discovered was mine also has powers like little witch over here?" He said, pointing at Wanda

Steve looked at the ground sadly. Tony huffed and sat back in his chair. Silence filled the room as the team realized the gravity of their situation.

"What if she's not your kid?" Natasha suddenly said.

"What do you mean not my kid?" Tony said with a hint of curiosity lacing his words. "You saw the tests. You saw the results."

"I know, but....I've been observing her for a while..." Natasha started. "She has powers and it's not normal, that's for sure, but she's too skilled to not have had help from someone. I mean the fact that she was deaf at the age of 8 and can still talk...well it seems pretty suspicious..."

"What's your point, agent x?" Tony asked dryly.

"She had help...and I'm familiar with that kind of help" Natasha said and looked at Steve.

"HYDRA..." Steve said softly.

"Ok no... I'm done playing games. I know you're trying to help me, but let's not start pointing fingers." Tony said to Romanoff. "This is a 13 year old kid we're talking about. How could she have any contact with HYDRA?"

"There are a lot of ways of connection that you don't know of, Tony" Steve said softly.

"Oh wait...didn't you, miss red hair, and wings over here expose HYDRA a year ago and got into all their files?" Tony asked with sarcasm. "Tell me, did you find a file about a 13 year old girl?"

"We never searched for something so detailed like that before." Natasha said, glaring daggers at Tony. "But maybe with the right name we'll be able to find something."

"You want the right name? Ok, I'll give you it" Tony said and opened his phone. "F.r.i.d.a.y. can you read Eva Lopez's children list?"

"Of course Mr. Stark." The AI said. "Eva Lopez is the mother of 2 children, Kevin Lopez, who will be 5 this June, and Rose Lopez, who just turned 2 a month ago."

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