All Hallows Eve

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A/N: the image above is what I imagine Harry's costume to look like. Thank you for sticking with this story, it means so much ❤️
Much love Andromeda_Lilly 😘

3rd persons POV

October 31st

The boys had waited for this day excitedly, just like the rest of the students, they couldn't wait for a valid reason to stuff their faces with sweets and junk food. The group of friends sat impatiently through their lessons waiting for the end of the day when they could all go back to the boys flat to get Harry ready for trick or treating. They had received permission earlier in the week to take Harry around the houses to collect some sweets, seeing as he'd never had that experience before.

Lessons dragged but they eventually made it to dinner and gorged on all the delicious foods on offer, focusing especially on the treats and deserts that surrounded them. talking to their friends and having a conversation about Harrys costume and how excited he was for the movie marathon that Hermione had managed to organise, Merlin knows how though, she really is the brightest witch of their generation.

The boys finished their conversations and their food before heading back to the flat to get harry ready, the small boy had picked his costume himself, a little green dragon onesie, saying he wanted to be  just like Draco, who "mus' be a dwagon b'cus its youw name". When Harry was all dressed, with a cauldron that had been shrunken down so that he could use it to hold all his sweets they waited for the knock at the door that would let them know it was time to leave to go have a fun night.

The group of friends called at the Ravenclaw tower first where Harry knocked timidly and shouted trick or treat like he'd been told to as Terry Boot opened the door, the Ravenclaw boy smiled at Harry before dropping a huge handful of chocolate frogs into his little cauldron, nodded to the group of teens and turned to head back into his common room.

"Wow! dey gave me lots of sweets Dwaco!" The small boy grinned widely looking into the treat basket.

"They sure did raven, shall we go to the Gryffindor's next? I heard Neville has lots of treats for you too." The blond smiles back, taking the little dragons hand and leading the group in the direction of the Gryffindor tower. They reached the fat lady's portrait fairly quickly, the promise of candy making Harry rush,

"Hello miss pictuwe lady, twick ow tweat!" The toddler exclaimed, drawing the attention of the painting.

"Why hello there little man, I must say you look absolutely terrifying. I shall notify the students that they are needed." And with that said she disappeared and moments later Neville was stepping out of the portrait hole with a grin on his face as he crouched down to Harrys level.

"Hey Harry, what have you dressed up as?" The boy asked quietly.

"I'm a dwagon! Grrrr!" The toddler growled adorably before looking up to the older boy, "twick ow tweat!" holding his little sweet bucket out for Neville to put the candy into. Harry wasn't disappointed as a large amount of sugar quills and liquorice wands added to his loot stash.

Neville gave Luna a kiss on the cheek quickly before turning to recite the password to the fat lady, but before he could a small voice stopped him,

"Nevy, come wif us. we get sweets then go have movie night at me and Dwaco's flat." The little dragon basically demanded.

Neville looked to the group to see if this was okay,

"I don't want to impose" the mousy blond started,

"don't be daft Nev, you're more than welcome to join us, unless anyone has any reason why he shouldn't" Ginny cut in, giving everyone a look that just dared them to challenge her, meeting no resistance she turned back to the visibly nervous boy and smiled, "well that settles it then Nev, your coming with us." the redhead states starting to talk to Hermione again.

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