{ Chapter 18 }

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hi guys, a day late but much more edited than it was yesterday. i'm sorry for the irregularity lately. i'm going thru some family stuff on top of six classes and a bunch of clubs. plus i'm getting sick so i'm clearly living lavish out here at uconn. anywho, i hope you guys enjoy.

ALSO WARNING: i may or may not have accidentally called Cam Asa or Felicity Poison. I'm a little out of it because it's late and i'm exhausted but I wanted to get this chapter out for you guys because i know i'd have had no time to tomorrow. i'm pretty sure i went back and checked it all but who knows? either way, just comment if i did and i'll go back and change it.

  qotc: do you like ashton and mel together? 

COMMENT <3 I love reading those :) also vote if you're reading this so I know the size of my audience. 

To my pleasant surprise, Cameron keeps his word about actually texting me. The awkward phase of short responses quickly passes and soon enough, we're back to sending each other funny pictures and sarcastic replies. I try my best to not come off as too flirty seeing as I promised to let him control the pace at which things happen.

Things only seem to get better with time just as I had hoped and the last two weeks have been progressive. Just a few days ago, the thought occurred to me that the month long winter break may damage the advancements we've made. What if we fall off again because of the recess? It's a long time to go without seeing one another, especially after having such a long gap of no communication. What if he completely loses interest altogether?

I'm just finishing up packing my bag for my commute home tomorrow, which I'm not looking forward to, when my phone starts to ring. I look at the screen and waste no time answering it. "Hello," I greet Cam once I balance the phone between my ear and shoulder. I continue zipping up my duffel bag and toss it near my door once I'm done.

"Do you want to hang out tonight?" he poses the question and I feel my heart start to race. "Or are you leaving early tomorrow?

"I'm not getting picked up until the afternoon. I'm down to hang out," I confirm as I pace around my room. Like I said before, we've spent a lot of time together this past week, almost to the extent to which we used to hang out before everything went bad. We got dinner a couple times and have talked on the phone even more. I saw him last night, too; we went out for a drive to talk, which I assumed was the last time we'd see each other before we both head home. Yet, here he is asking me to hang out again and I'm obviously more than willing.

"Anything specific you want to do?" he wonders. "I was just going to hangout here and watch Christmas movies."

"That sounds like fun..." I trail as I think about whether or not we'll cuddle. We haven't had any kind of physical contact at all but maybe I'll get lucky. I feel pathetic for craving his arm around me, but that's just who I am now, I guess. "We made some Christmas cookies earlier. I'll bring some over."

"Yes, please," he encourages.

"Well, I'm about to shower. I'll come over after. Is that okay?" I wonder and he confirms before hanging up. I hurriedly shower, moisturize, and do my hair in a matter of forty minutes; I'm sure it's a brand new record. I'm pulling on a casual outfit when my phone rings. I hop over with my sweats halfway up my legs, look at the caller ID, and swipe to answer. "Yes, Cam?"

"Are you coming?" he urges and I chuckle loudly. "It's been like an hour."

"I'm getting dressed now," I tell him.

"You don't have to get all dressed up, Flizzy. This isn't a date," he teases.

"Shut up, Cam. I'll be there in twenty minutes," I inform him.

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