Chapter 3

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Deacon Oforbuike chose the seat next to the driver. He saw himself as the leader of the group and as far as he was concerned he was in charge of the crusade.
Osi didn't mind the deacon sitting in the front one bit, he actually had a lot of things to discuss and go over with his colleagues.
He was dressed casually in a blue jean and a black sweatshirt. Gregory had on a blue striped shirt tucked into black pants and Ovie had on his xxl polo shirt and his elastic brown trouser.
Bukky had worn the magazine's polo shirt (a cream top with the church name: new life ministry' in the front and the words: "on fire for Christ" customized on the back)
The deacon had dressed formally in a 3 piece suit.
Osi didn't think it was a wise choice especially when the sun was already out by 9 am. The bus was cool however with the air condition on full blast.
The bus belonged to the church and the church's official driver Samuel was behind the wheel.
"I'm still going to remind you all that we should pray and commit the journey and the crusade into God's hands abi?" The deacon asked from the front.
Osi stopped going through the fliers Bukky had printed "you're right...please lead us in prayer deacon"
The deacon mumbled something that was definitely unflattering under his breath. "Everybody close your eyes"
"Driver not you o" Ovie spoke up drawing a chuckle from Bukky.
The deacon shook his head. These were the so called leaders of the youth church? Where was the church heading to for God's sake?

The park was a walkable distance from the house and so Amara and Oluchi set out late in the morning to welcome Paul who was coming from Lagos.
Oluchi had pounded yam while Amara had made the bitter leaf soup. Oluchi's mother had smiled feeling very happy. She already thought of Amara as her daughter in law and it pleased her to see she had cooked for him. She couldn't wait to see her son. She saw him last almost three years ago.
"Are you sure his bus would have arrived?" Amara asked as they approached the park "we can't afford to miss the meeting"
Early that morning the town crier had gone round announcing that there was to be a general meeting at the market square and every family was meant to be represented. Her father had also echoed it when Oluchi arrived and they prepared to leave.
"Don't forget to be at the market square before 1 o'clock, the meeting is very important"
"Yes papa"
"Yes Dé"
"And don't forget to move in twos or in a group...never walk alone!" he emphasized as they left the compound.
They arrived at the bus park few minutes before 12. As usual the park was rowdy, a lot of people were arriving at Amaife in preparation for the age grade ceremony which was to hold in a fortnight and so bags and different kinds of loads could be seen in every direction. Some carried by young men in carts as they transferred the bags either to or from buses for a little amount of cash.
"I can't see the bus yet" Amarachi said shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand as she scanned the park.
"This park is too big, let me try and call him but network is not really strong sef" Oluchi said checking her phone.
Amara moved in between buses leaving her friend behind to look for network. She could remember what her friend's brother looked like and knew she would recognise him if she did spot him.
A luxurious bus caught her attention. The bus was different from the other transport vehicles. It was clean, looked brand new and didn't have any sticker or inscription bearing the name of any transport organization.
She moved towards the bus out of curiosity and as she got closer, the front door opened. An angry looking man dressed smartly in a suit stepped out and stretched. He wore a big frown and seemed displeased about something.
'He's probably frying inside his coat under this hot sun' Amara thought to herself as she watched a lady come out to stretch also.
As she wondered who these strangers were, the tallest man she had ever seen alighted from the bus next. He shook his long legs, kicking the air and was rewarded with a cracking sound.
Amara stared at him, at first marveling at his height but then she looked at his face and something happened. She couldn't look away. She stood transfixed looking at the tall slim handsome stranger.

Osi suggested they stop at the bus park first before heading to the church to see pastor Batholomew. Bukky was pressed and so was Ovie. Plus his own legs had been killing him after staying in a sitting position for so long and he could tell the deacon needed to stretch too because he offered no resistance when Osi suggested it. So Samuel pulled over and they all filed out one after the other to stretch their stiff joints.
As he stretched his legs and felt blood begin to circulate, he looked up and saw a young lady looking at him.
For a second Osi's heart skipped a beat and his breath seized. The wind was knocked out of him as he looked at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and he just couldn't take his eyes off her.
"Pastor, are you okay?" Ovie put a hand on his shoulder when he came out of the bus. The rest had gone to locate the toilet to relieve themselves leaving just Osi, Ovie and the driver with the bus.
Ovie placed emphasis on the 'pastor' dragging Osi's eyes briefly to him. He smiled mischievously.
When Osi looked back, the girl was gone.

Amara found Oluchi talking to Paul excitedly outside a shop were he had gone to buy water.
"There she is!" Oluchi said as she approached them.
"My God, it's been so long, you've really grown into a beautiful angel just like I predicted" Paul said with a deep voice.
Amara held out her hand a bit absent minded. Paul took her hand then drew her and enveloped her in a bear hug.
He was dressed in a black leather jacket, blue jeans and brown boots. His hair was cut stylishly and his beard was shaped, running along his jaw. He looked good.
Finally he released her and smiled.
"We have a lot of catching up to do. I know you'll like the gift I got for you"
" you didn't get me anything abi? It's only your wife you bought something for" Oluchi chipped in.
Paul was pleased Amara didn't playfully but firmly object (as she was known to do in the past) when Oluchi called her his wife. God bless his sister.
"Sister you know your big brother now...I got something for everybody" he said playfully.
Amara hardly heard a word that was being said. Her mind kept on drifting to the bus and to the tall man who had gotten down from it.
Strangely she found herself wishing that they (he) were (was) not passing by but had come to stay.
"I've missed you so much dear" Paul was saying as he took her hand.

The devil got ready for the meeting... he stood in front of the mirror for some seconds whistling as he buttoned his shirt. A part of him was thrilled that he was the cause of the emergency meeting but another part was getting frustrated. He was a serial rapist and a serial killer but lately he was getting hungrier for more violence and it was alarming. His father had once told him, control and moderation was the key to power and he knew he had a reputation to protect. Just less than 72 hours he had Chisom struggling underneath him as he pounded her roughly and disvirgined her in the process before the sight of blood drove him to an excited frenzy and he lost control and pummeled her to death with blows and a small turning stick. He loved drawing blood. The smell and the sight gave him a lust for violence.
The devil was crazy
The devil was a sociopath
The devil was a crazy sociopath
And he wanted Amara.
Beautiful Amara...
He shut his eyes as he pictured her face again, stroking himself to an erection. Amara... Sweet Amara...

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