Chapter 38

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Dé John Was the first to speak. He looked confused and a look of disbelief was clearly written on his face.
"Pa ken, elder...I don't understand, what is this young boy saying?"
Pa Kenneth was silent. He looked at Jelemba with much hatred on his face.
He hated himself for leaving such a deadly loose end. It was really careless and amateurish of him. The day he had killed the dibia, he had searched the hut, searched the shrine inside out hoping to see the young boy and end his life but Jelemba must have been sent on an errand and he was nowhere to be found. His life had been saved that day and now here he was, hunting him with the truth. Speaking the truth to the ears of everybody.
Pa Kenneth cursed himself for not returning to search for the boy.
De John interrupted his thoughts once more. Disbelief dripped from his voice as he asked
"Pa Kenneth is it true? Does the boy speak the truth?"
The silence that followed was deafening, everyone seemed to be holding their breath waiting for his reply.
Pa Kenneth looked at the faces that surrounded him. He took a deep breath, which gave the impression of a defeated gesture.
Osi held his breath thinking this is it....we're about to hear a confession...
But when the elder spoke he surprised him
"It is clear that this boy has been possessed by whatever evil spirit he and the dibia used to worship...what nonsense tales is this boy speaking about?"
"It's a lie! You visited at night and when the tobacco smoke got too much for me, I went outside...but I didn't go far, I stayed outside the hut and listened and I heard you!" Jelemba countered with wide eyes and Osi believed him.
Dé john kept on looking like a spectator in a tennis and fro, from Pa Kenneth to Jelemba and Osi could see the man was clearly confused.
"What do you plan to gain by telling such lies against me? Do you know who I am? I'm the leader of this village!" He looked around the room with a smile Osi thought was a little forced and nervous.
"It's a good thing I came to check on the pastor...this possessed liar would have spoken all kind of things against me and I wouldn't know!"
"Actually...I don't believe this boy is possessed...maybe before, but not anymore...he's a new being...all things have passed away, including his former life...he is now Christ like...he is not possessed Sir" Osi said.
Reverend Okorie looked at his youth pastor thoughtfully. It was very clear Osi had just made a stand. And he was against the old man.
"Sir what do you think?" The Reverend directed his question to Dé John.
Pa Kenneth barged in "what do you mean by what does he think?! Dé John knows me very well and there's no way he would believe this conniving little criminal! What would I have to gain by setting up the village drunk?!"
"Maybe to protect Pastor Bartholomew..."Osi said in a low voice, almost like he was thinking to himself "I wonder why...unless you're close, that's not enough...unless you're related..." He raised his voice suddenly "that's it isn't it? You're his uncle?" He watched the old man's reaction closely and knew he had missed it. "No not his're his father!"
"You're a bastard!!" Pa Kenneth said through clenched teeth.
Dé John had been silent all along. He remembered something troubling...Pa Kenneth had taken a portion of the tobacco stash from the items the dibia had requested for.
His excuse was that it was too much and he was sure the dibia was going to smoke it anyway.
Dé John knew Pa Kenneth wasn't much of a smoker and he had wondered why the man bothered himself to cut the tobacco at the time. Now this young lad might have just provided the answer.
He was still thinking along these lines when the tall pastor dropped another bomb.
Pa Kenneth was Bartholomew's father...?
He looked at Pa Kenneth in disbelief "Elder is this true?"
Pa Kenneth looked at him. He had a wild and angry look in his eyes. Dé john had never seen their meek elder look like that before.
"Are you that stupid to believe all this rubbish?"
Osi got to his feet. He winced a bit as he felt the pain in his chest but he was getting too excited to notice.
"I can prove it to you...the youths have been searching for Bartholomew without luck right? That's because they're searching the wrong place...I can bet my left arm that Bartholomew is hiding in your elder's house as we speak!"
"You bastard!" Pa Kenneth charged at him with surprising agility for an old man. He grabbed a surprised Osi by the throat and forced him back on the bed.
Gregory and the Reverend were the closest and they immediately interfered.
They held the old man still while he shouted and threatened.
"You all are exiled from Amaife! How can you come to my village and insult me like this?! How can?!" He struggled to look at his colleague.
"Dé...are you going to stand by and do nothing while these foreigners insult me in this shameful manner?!" he glared at his colleague.
Dé john cleared his throat "Ehem...I believe you elder but there won't be any harm in going to search your house just to prove this young man wrong once and for all. I believe that is fair"
"I agree" Amara seconded.
"I can't believe supposed fellow fact you're also exiled! I don't need you in Amaife!" He barked.
"Papa Kenneth you alone do not make up you do not have the sole power to carry out an exile sentence" Dé John replied him slowly and respectfully.
Osi touched his throat subconsciously as he sat up "please we're wasting precious time...where is his house, let's do this once and for all"
"I'd lead the way...Amara go ahead and gather the youths, tell them to meet us on the path to his the T intersection"
Amara nodded.
She stopped by Osi's bed as she headed to the door.
"Promise me you won't leave this clinic. you need to rest"
Honestly even if he wanted to he couldn't leave. He was already feeling drowsy again. Ever since the nurse had come and fiddled with the drip he was receiving. Although he would have loved to go with them and see for himself.
"I'll stay with him don't worry" Gregory offered. The truth was he wasn't in the frame of mind to go hunting for a deadly killer.
Amara was obviously satisfied with that and she hurried out.
"Pa Kenneth when we release you please don't cause trouble and attack anybody...your place is not far and we can solve this mess once and for all...just be patient elder" Dé john told his friend as they released him.
The elder didn't make any movement but he looked at Osi in a way that made the pastor swallow.
If looks could kill, his head would have been blown off that was for sure.
"I have a feeling we should hurry...time is of the essence" Reverend Okorie spoke up and they immediately filed out of the room. Dé John leading the way, followed by Pa Kenneth and Reverend Okorie.
Jelemba stayed behind with Gregory.
"Greg I think you should follow them...that man is still very strong and I don't like leaving Reverend alone with him" Osi told his friend.
"Hmmm..." Gregory hesitated
"I promise I won't leave this room...please go!"
Gregory hurried out of the room although his movements were a bit hesitant.

Joy climbed through the window just in time to see the massive pestle land on Paul's head as he rounded the corner. He howled in pain and fell to the ground.
Bartholomew stepped into view and lifted the pestle prepared to land a killing strike.
Joy screamed "Nooo!"
Sofiri shouted "brother waaait!" and he surprised himself by jumping on his brother and wrestling with him for the pestle.
"What are you're turning your back on me is that it?!" Bartholomew shouted at his kid brother.
Joy stood rooted to the spot while both men struggled. But it was obvious Bartholomew was stronger and it was just a matter of time. She looked around frantically for an object she could use to attack....or most likely defend herself.
"Brother...not this way, this isn't the way to go...please brother I love you...not this way I beg you" Sofiri pleaded with his brother as he desperately tried to hold on to the pestle.
Bartholomew wrestled the pestle out of his hands and without wasting time he struck his younger brother square in the face.
The impact made a sickening crunching sound and Sofiri fell to the floor.
However, Bartholomew seemed to have lost interest in Paul's body on the floor. His eyes were now on Joy who had picked up a broom and held it as a weapon. She looked very pathetic indeed.
"Look here...if you try to fight it you'll regret it...but it would be easier if you succumb to it..." He smiled wickedly "you might even enjoy're a bitch after all"

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