Chapter 30

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The aroma was really mouthwatering and Amara smiled as she put the fire out. The groundnut soup was finally ready and she just needed to wake Joy who had fallen asleep in the parlour.
The kind of drugs she had been given at the hospital made her drowsy and sleep deeply but the thought of the meal would surely get her up.
"Joy wake up, dinner is ready, although it's quite early"
The time read: 6:15pm.
"Actually this is the proper time for dinner so the food can digest properly before sleeping" Dé Nwachukwu added as he took his spot on a couch and dragged a small table before him in anticipation of the meal.
Amara decided it was the hunger that was talking. Her father had never mentioned anything like that before.
She dished the food, only two plates...she wasn't hungry yet and to tell the truth her mind was far away. She was thinking, thinking about who attacked her sister. Could it be Paul, Stevenson, or somebody else they failed to consider?
There was a knock on the gate and her father called out: "don't worry...I'd get it"
He hurried outside and Amara could hear voices from the gate as she set the meal on the table.
She shook Joy gently.
"Joy...sister, wake up come and eat"
Her sister's eyes fluttered open and Joy smiled as she sat up.
"'re the best Amara, I love you"
"I love you too, promise me you'd finish the food so you can rest well"
Dé Nwachukwu returned to the parlour.
"Amara have you eaten yet?"
"No I'm not yet hungry. Who was at the gate Dé?"
"It was our pastor"
Her father smiled "Oh, Osi is now our pastor abi? I meant pastor Bartholomew"
"Oh...what did he want?" she slapped her face "I totally forgot about the meeting"
"He requested your presence, he said he is setting up a special youth group to raise awareness and says you are going to be one of the leaders. He said Oluchi is already in the church as well as mama and some others"
"'s about time, that's a very good move"
"Why didn't he come since?" Joy frowned "it's now late at night he wants you to start going to church"
"He said Maama has been here severally today but no one was home" Dé Nwachukwu explained "He said he'd bring you back himself but I agree with Joy. Enjoy your meal and rest, leave it till tomorrow"
"No papa, it's okay...I'm so in love with this plan, I'm sure it was Osi that gave him the idea. I'd go with shouldn't take time"

Osi turned up at Sofiri's doorstep ten minutes to 7.
He held a bottle of wine in his hand and he returned Mabel's smile as she opened the door.
"Oh...welcome, dinner is almost are you doing"
He stepped inside and handed her the bottle of wine.
"Oh you shouldn't have" she squealed in delight. But she took the bottle and placed it on a nearby table.
"Once more happy birthday pastor, I forgot to ask you your favourite dish earlier but I made white soup and I pounded yam I'm sure you'd enjoy it"
"White soup? I've never had it before"
Osi admired the house. He decided pastor Batholomew would have been very comfortable here after all. The house was spacious and beautiful not to mention the benefit of having someone like Mabel as an occupant. The woman was simply wonderful.
"Where's Sofiri?" He wasn't sure the man was in, or maybe he was in one of the rooms.
"Oh...Sofi went out but he'd be back very soon" Osi had a feeling Sofiri hadn't been pleased when she had invited him and they had a minor fall out. On a normal day he would have turned down the invitation politely but for some strange reason, he had accepted it and even forced it tonight.
Mabel directed him to the parlour. "Please make yourself comfortable, let me just round up in the kitchen."
Osi settled into a leather seat and sighed. It was very comfortable and he was only aware now that he hadn't really rested in the past few days. Even the few hours he slept were either hunted by the unknown killer or thoughts of Amara.
He observed the parlour. A television stood in one corner with a CD player and wine shaped speakers. He wondered idly if it would be appropriate if he switched on the television. He thought Mabel was a very free and open minded person and one didn't have to pretend with her but he decided to wait till she returned.
So he feasted his eyes, taking in everything.
He admired a wedding photograph of Sofiri and Mabel. She even looked fatter in the picture and he smiled as he wondered how many years ago it was.
"Pastor so you said you're going back on Saturday?" Mabel called out from the kitchen
"But you'd visit us every now and then?"
"Yes I will" her voice sounded distant and he wondered how many rooms were in the house.
Out of curiosity he got to his feet.

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