Chapter 12

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Karma was a bitch. Everybody knew that. She was a bitch. But her mode of operation was longevity, you know in the back of your mind you're going to pay for your actions but subconsciously you expect the repercussions to come in the nearest future. Some time far away, not immediately.

But as Okudili fled down the path he couldn't help remembering the European fleeing in such manner while Okudili himself threw the biggest stones.
Now the stones were behind him and he was the one being chased. This had to be karma, and just hours apart too.

Okudili had been lazing around as usual feeling sulky at the lack of girls out in the open for his eyes to feast on when he had seen the youths marching his way, at first he thought it was for another protest and riot but then he saw the elders in their midst and noticed they were really marching his way and the intent was clearly written on their faces. He took off immediately. Darting like an arrow towards the woods. The youths had pursued him. This time they were not armed with sticks and branches but with machetes and broken bottles.
Dé John attempted to join the chase but gave up few steps later.
"My friend, gone are the days" he panted to Dé Nwachukwu.

Okudili was a short man with short legs but the lack of distance covered was made up for by the rate at which his legs ate up the ground. He was well ahead of the youths and zigzagged through the forest.
If he was caught now, worst case scenario: he'd be beaten to death. Best case scenario: trial by kangaroo court and death by hanging come nightfall.
He ran through a thorn bush, bruising himself badly but he needed to be out of the line of sight.
He immediately took a different path as he emerged before anyone could see him. He ran. His life depended on it.

Gregory always complained that his phone didn't receive good signal in the house. So every time he wanted to make a call, he stepped out. The signal was slightly better outside; at least he could hear the other person.
He was currently speaking to his younger brother who had called him from the university asking for money.
"Hello...junior, wait I can't hear you...I'll call you back"
He strode towards the parlour but then he stopped, he decided to go through the kitchen, the kitchen door opened to the backyard which was at the mouth of the woods and thus quite private. He was still being careful. The shouts from the day before had really scared him and he wasn't ready to take any chances.

He opened the door and stepped outside, his eyes on his phone as he waited for the notification of his credit balance.
He didn't see the man until it was too late. The man came from nowhere, he barged into Gregory, sending him (who was on the slim side) stumbling back into the kitchen.
The short man got up and locked the door. He looked scared, scary and mad.
"Jesus!! Who are you?!" Gregory was stunned. He felt this man would kill him.
"My friend keep want them to kill me"
Bukky came running out. "What is going on here...Who are you?"
For a split second Okudili calmed down (at first to ogle the lady) but then he realized they were not indigenes. They were strangers.
In a show of devilish intelligence, the short man fell to his knees "I want to come to God. I want to give my life, these battles are too much!"
"What battles?" Bukky asked
"Is that why you ran into me! Are you blind?" Gregory flared up.
"I'm sorry...I can't control myself..I need your prayers..I'm a troubled man" he made a noise like he was in pain.
Gregory was not really convinced. He got to his feet slowly "you smell of alcohol" he said condescendingly.
"Greg!" Bukky said with a warning. He looked at her and she shrugged "we have a duty to pray and bring this man to Jesus were he can find the peace he desperately needs"
Gregory frowned. He wasn't still convinced. He seemed wary to shut the door, but he did.

Osi and Ovie met Stevenson on the way to the house.
"Pastor! Pastor!" The European shouted as he hurried to meet up with them.
"Afternoon Stevenson"
"Did you hear?"
"Hear what?"
"The devil...the devil has been exposed!"

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