Chapter 5

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Osi raised both hands and dropped the thick branch he held "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you"
Amara blinked, placing a hand on her chest. Her heart was beating like a talking drum. She could literally hear it against her ribs " from the park"
Osi nodded in reply. He hadn't meant to scare her. He had been walking around aimlessly for the past 15 minutes trying to find his way but it seemed he kept getting more and more lost. He had doubled back (he hoped) and was beginning to get worried especially when saw a flurry animal dash into the bush by his side. He quickly thought it wise to have some kind of weapon handy just incase of snakes although the most dangerous animal he had ever killed was a rat. He managed to break off a thick branch and continued his walk, searching for civilization and trying to assure himself he wasn't lost and then he heard a voice....her voice. He couldn't discern what she was saying but he had followed the voice till he saw her standing in front of a grave. There was something painful and breathtaking about the way she stood there and he had stared for some seconds before deciding to approach her. Not until she turned around that he realized she was the very same girl he had seen earlier in the park. But the look of fear in her face rendered him speechless. She looked so afraid. Subconsciously he dropped the wood and raised both hands in a 'I come in peace gesture'
"What are you doing here?" She demanded. Her pulse was returning to normal now. No, that wasn't quite apt, it was still racing, albeit for a totally different reason now.
"I was taking a walk and I got lost, I tried to find my way but I ended up...." He gestured with both hands awkwardly.
Amara nodded slowly but she remained where she was. "Who are you?"
"My name is Osi, I'm a pastor"
"You're here for a crusade" she prompted
He nodded, suprised "Yes, how do you know that?"
"It was announced earlier today"
"Okay" he took a step closer, looking at the grave "are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Where are you heading to?"
"Pastor Bartholomew's house" Osi replied. He desperately wanted to say something, he could only guess whose grave that was and who she had been talking to but she seemed to be on her guard and instinct told him not to push it.
She was talking to him now and her voice had gotten lighter and friendlier "wow, from pastor's house! How'd you end up here" she smiled "you're really off...but don't worry, I'd take you"
"Thank you...I don't know your name yet"
She smiled "Amara"

The devil couldn't believe his eyes. He had been about to jump out from the bush when this tall baboon had appeared from nowhere. He watched in disbelief, listening to their exchange. So this was the pastor?

The devil gritted his teeth in anger as he watched them leave, rage clouding his vision when he saw Amara take the man's hand.
He needed to break something. He clenched his fist in rage as he imagined breaking the pastor's face. The devil had a vivid imagination.

Pastor Bartholomew also mistook the deacon for pastor Osi "I'm sorry I'm late sir, we had a meeting and I had to stay behind to talk to the leaders" he explained as he shook hands with all of them.
The deacon didn't look impressed "No problem, but time is of the essence and valuable time has been lost. You know it takes less than a minute to win a soul"
"Exactly pastor, believe me it. Couldn't be avoided, I'm glad you all came in now, when the reverend called me about the crusade, I was quick to accept. We need you all now more than ever"
"Why, what's going on?" Gregory asked
"Actually he's not the pastor, the pastor isn't in yet" Ovie corrected with a frown
"Oh...." Pastor Bartholomew looked surprised. "I'd rather wait till he comes then"
Deacon Oforbuike once again didn't look pleased. He was about to say something when they heard voices from outside and the backdoor opened.
"Thank you...hope I'd see you again"
"Yes, hopefully but in the mean time try not to get lost again, oya come Joy let's go"

Pastor Osi entered the parlour looking flushed.
"Sorry I took long" he looked at Bukky "I missed my way"
"Welcome back pastor" the deacon greeted sarcastically "hope we can set up the crusade or should we all go sight seeing?"
It was becoming natural for Osi to ignore the deacon. He shook hands with Pastor Bartholomew and took a seat. His eyes drifted to the dining table where a plate of food (no doubt his) was covered.
"Welcome pastor" Bartholomew continued "like I was saying, when the reverend called me, I quickly jumped on the opportunity to have you all here" he rubbed his hands, looking at each of them "the thing is, this past month has been a very dark one for us, someone has been raping and killing our daughters, in four weeks three girls were raped, beaten almost unrecognizable and killed, so everyone in our community is living in a state of fear and despair"
The team was shocked. Even the deacon couldn't help it as his mouth hung open in disbelief.
For once Ovie didn't have a reply or a comeback. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably trying to digest what he had just heard.
Osi was shocked. He remembered meeting Amara earlier and the look of terror on her face when he had startled her. He felt his heart bounce against his rib cage like a wrestler on the ropes as he imagined the possible danger she could have been in earlier.
Pastor Bartholomew continued speaking "we have no idea who is behind these dreadful acts and we had a meeting this morning to talk to the villagers who are understandably agitated" The deacon was the first to speak up "We are pastors not detectives, we don't solve crimes we preach the word of God"
"That is why now more than ever my people need you, they need this crusade, they need the word of God, they need to discover the peace which only God can provide" the pastor said desperately.
Osi could see there was a retort coming from the deacon so he spoke up hurriedly "I totally agree with you, we need to seek God for direction. I don't believe it's a coincidence or that we are here by chance, God wants us here and we have to make ourselves available for his use"
Pastor Bartholomew gave a sigh of relief.
"When was the last girl killed?" Gregory asked
"Her body was found three days ago"
"Who found her?" This question was from Bukky
The pastor shook his head sadly "two very young girls saw her body floating in the stream...the younger girl is still traumatised as we speak"
"Has any autopsy been carried out? Test for semen...any DNA samples?" Ovie asked
The pastor laughed. A strange sound considering the mood everyone had been thrown in. Even Samuel the driver sat at the dining table, a solemn look on his face.
"We don't have any medical examiner. The state police has been informed and according to them they are carrying out their investigations" (he made quotation sign with his fingers when he said investigations)
The Deacon shook his head and for a second he looked sad "this is dreadful, just dreadful but now can we go over this evening's schedule, we are behind already" he said dismissively.

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