Chapter 9

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Mama Ozioma was one of the women with the blank stares. She had probably broken down and wept earlier in the month when the devil had started his rampage with her daughter as his opening act and now she just looked drained!
Osi studied her as pastor Bartholomew rounded up the grace.
She had her back on the wall and she constantly shook her legs and swiped a piece of her wrapper at her legs to ward off the mosquitoes that were quickly descending.
"Good evening mummy" Osi greeted her squatting down.
She only looked at him when he said mummy, with a painful look in her eyes and Osi winced as he realized it had been a very bad choice of word.
"I pray the Lord grant your daughter peace in Jesus name"
The woman didn't reply. She didn't even look at him again.
Osi could feel stares boring into him from all directions so he hurried up.
"Mu- please ma, I need you to tell me about your old was she?"
No reply.
"Please it's very important, please...what kind of friends did she have? How did people treat her? Did you notice any strange behaviour before her death?"
The woman looked at him, staring into his eyes for some seconds. She was about to say something when they heard commotion from outside.

Stevenson barged into the compound with such force that he fell to the floor. He sprang up immediately and ran for safety as big pieces of stones sailed in after him.
"What is going on?" Pa Kenneth shouted standing up from the bench.
"They're after me, they say I'm the killer!" Stevenson shouted, He sounded scared.
His shirt had been torn and his pale white skin had red bruises all over.
The noise grew louder from outside and Osi feared they would storm into the compound and he'd receive a beating.
"What's going on?" He said to Pastor Bartholomew who had come to stand beside him.
"Don't worry they won't come in, it's a taboo if they do" the pastor assured him when he sensed his apprehension.
The women who had been embittered few seconds ago began to complain on Steve's behalf about the ill treatment he had received and Osi marveled when he sat in their middle and they began tending his injuries.
"Wow...they really care for him" he said to Pastor Bartholomew.
The pastor shrugged.
The three elders hurried outside and Osi could hear Dé John's voice as he addressed the crowd.
The voice of the youths had lessened but there were still cries for justice every now and then as the leaders tried to restore peace.
"But wait...pastor...for how long has he been in the community" Osi asked Pastor Bartholomew referring to Stevenson.
"Almost a year now"
"And there never used to be any incidents like this before then?"
"Not at all"
Both men frowned deep in thought.

Back at the house, the shouting had stopped. They had immediately reduced their voices when they heard the chanting of the youths and heard the breaking of sticks on someone's body and what sounded like the hooves of a thousand rhinos.
They fell silent and during that period each of them must have thought about the situation and calmed down because not a word was argued again. Or maybe it was fear that had calmed them down.
The deacon remained at the dining table, his pen in hand as he wrote what looked like a thousand word composition on a note pad. It was no doubt his report.
No one cared.
Bukky had since returned to her room, the deacon had sent Samuel to his to "pack his clothes" while Gregory and Ovie remained in the parlour. They were getting worried about their pastor.
"Maybe we should go out and look for him" Gregory said.
"Okay, good idea, I'd stay here in case he comes but if you see him the both of you should return immediately" Ovie agreed
Gregory frowned "why don't we all go together?"
"Hmmm...Okay you and Sammy can go"
Gregory didn't bring up the suggestion again instead he said "the least we can do is pray for his safety"
They began to pray.

Back in Pa Kenneth's compound, Osi was instructed to remain inside with Stevenson and the women while the leaders reasoned with the young men.
"Wait pastor..." He called Pastor Bartholomew, halting him in his tracks as the man neared the gate. "Pastor...I really wish I could speak to them. I'm a youth pastor and I believe I'd know how to relate with them"
"Hmm...Pastor that would be a terrible idea...please just remain here, see what they did to the European" he nodded towards Steve who sat with the women relaying his ordeal and showcasing his battle scars.
"Not to talk of someone they do not know at all...maybe later you could speak to them but not right now...there's too much tension"
"Okay, I understand...please do help me inform them about the communion service next tomorrow"
" problem pastor, please remain inside"
Pastor Bartholomew went outside to join the three wise men, shutting the gate gently behind him.
"Pastor, I heard you say something about communion..."
Osi jerked when he heard the voice behind him. He didn't know when Steve had gotten so close to him.
"Yeah...yes...on Thursday we'd have a communion service"
"In the market square?"
"Its supposed to be in the church, but the market square might not be a bad idea I'd discuss it with my team and pastor Bartholomew."
"No problem I won't miss it"
They were silent for some minutes then Osi asked "how are you feeling, I know it's quite painful to be attacked by people you've come to see as your family"
He shrugged casually "pastor I've spent my whole life studying history and don't get to where I am without studying human behaviour critically as well. Trust me it would take a lot to surprise me"
"Did you know Ozioma?" Osi asked directly
Stevenson didn't blink "Ozioma...who's that?"
"The first girl that was murdered"
"Not really...I can hardly recall her face"

Okudili was in a vibrant mood. He had hit the white fool the hardest and with the biggest stick and he had been the fastest in chasing him down. He wasn't paying any attention to the love and unity speech being broadcasted by Dé Nwachukwu at the moment.
His eyes caught a familiar jacket and he sauntered towards it with a frown on his face.
"One that does not know the meaning of the rattle of a snake would dance to the sound" he said as he watched the man with narrowed eyes.
Paul stood with his arms folded across his chest. He looked at the short man in disgust "I beg your pardon..?"
"You are always following Amara like fly follows the tail of a buffalo....better be careful"
Paul's eyes became dangerously red "what do you mean...what is your business with Amara?!"
Okudili looked like he was going to respond with a slap and Paul also looked like he was ready to fight but the voice of Pastor Bartholomew caught their attention.
"The communion would come up the day after tomorrow...please let us endeavour to be present, it's our obligation to break bread in remembrance of our Lord"

The bargaining tool that had been used to calm the youths down was that the village dibia had been summoned. He was going to expose and/or afflict the killer. He was a powerful native man; he would be able to help them. And so they waited while Osi grew uncomfortable and wondered when he would be chanced to leave.


Ricin is a poison found naturally in castor beans. If castor beans are chewed and swallowed, then Ricin is released.
If someone swallows a significant amount of the poison, he or she would likely develop vomiting and diarrhea that may become bloody. Severe dehydration may be the result, followed by low blood pressure. Other signs or symptoms may include seizures, and blood in the urine. Within 24 hours, the person's liver, spleen, and kidneys might stop working, and the person would die.
Ricin can be made from the waste material left over from processing castor beans.
It can be in the form of a powder, a mist, or a pellet or it can be dissolved in water or weak acid.
The devil had a stash of castor beans from his time in the North and he wondered how it would dissolve in wine, he suspected it would dissolve perfectly.
On Thursday he was going to find out. He had to take care of the tall obstacle.

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