Chapter 35

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To everything there is a season
A time for every purpose under heaven
A time to be born
And a time to die
A time to plant
And a time to harvest
A time to kill
And a time to heal
A time to weep
And a time to laugh
A time to gain
And a time to lose
A time for silence
And a time to speak
A time to love
And a time to hate
A time of war
And a time of peace
-Ecclesiastes 3

It was a beautiful day, the sun rose steadily signifying the official break of dawn. It reflected in the stream as it rose over the gulls at the foot of the woods. It was a beautiful sight, a breathtaking sight. But there was no one to appreciate it.
The people of Amaife were in a state of shock. The hunt for their beloved pastor was still underway and nobody could believe pastor Batholomew had carried out the terrible attacks.
The people could be seen in their twos and threes as they mumbled among themselves, walking to their farms, the market or the stream. Once in a while they would stop walking and shake their heads in shock and dismay and look to the sky with a question mark on their faces.
Pastor Batholomew?
The youths were still carrying out the hunt for their pastor. They could be seen combing every inch of the village, checking every bush, every stall even Stone was literally left unturned.
A young boy of about thirteen wandered aimlessly among the villagers. He seemed lost and at first no one paid him any attention but on a second glance, the people hastily left his path and stared at him like he was struck with some kind of disease that could spread if they got too close to him.
His name was Jelemba. He had been handpicked by the gods as their messanger, the special one yo succeed the dibia. But now the dibia was dead and Jelemba was no longer a medium for communication with the gods of the land. And what's more, he had agreed to let go of his diabolical ways and with the help of the tall pastor he had become a Christian. Not just a christian....a born again Christian. Still the villagers didn't trust him. He was probably still filled with the spirits the dibia invocated with. Both the evil ones and the good ones, so they kept their distance.
Now his white satin wrapper was replaced with three quarter shorts bought for him by pastor Osi, his usually bare chest was covered with a T-shirt, the chalk markings on his face and chest were gone and his feet were in leather sandals. He held a bible in his hands courtesy of Osi and one of the reasons he was searching for the pastor was because he had come across a couple of things he did not understand while reading. He needed his new friend to explain it to him. But that wasn't the main Reason he searched for Osi that morning.
You see, a week earlier when his master the dibia was still alive, something had happened. Jelemba had observed something take place in the shrine and at the time he didn't pay attention to it. As a matter of fact he had forgotten about it totally but last night while reading his new bible (he loved reading it) he had come across the story of the betrayal of Jesus. How Judas had secretly met with the high priest and betrayed Jesus. Jelemba had paused his reading and stared into space as he recalled a similar scenario.
It had happened after his master had been summoned to commune with the gods and reveal the killer terrorising the maidens, the dibia had requested for specific items to perform a 'sacrifice'
That night, one of the elders had paid the dibia a visit and Jelemba in the process of polishing one of the mini statues had overhead the elder strike a deal similar to what he just read in the Bible. The elder had wanted the dibia to announce someone else as the killer.....a man named Okudili and Jelemba had listened, amused as they haggled on a price before settling on '30' satchels of tobacco.
Last night the Bible story had brought the memory and ever since, young Jelemba knew he had to discuss the incident with pastor Osi. The problem was he didn't know where the pastor was. The house he had taught and preached to him and where they had met subsequently was locked up. He had spent minutes knocking without any reply.
He walked towards the market square searching the faces and desperately hoping to see the tall pastor.

Pa Kenneth and Dé john escorted Benedict the butcher and the last of the youths to the market square. Pa Kenneth had insisted they walk with Benedict as the butcher refused to open his abattoir until Batholomew was (in his own words) "impaled with my machete"
Dé John knew Pa Kenneth probably worried that the youths were going to return to Sofiri's house and torture the poor man, so he agreed and supported his elder. A part of him wondered why Pa Kenneth was so worried and bothered about Sofiri so much but he decided that was what made Pa Kenneth a special man and a great leader. He loved his people and he would go to great lengths to protect them.
Pa Kenneth held Benedict's shoulder, stopping the brisk movement of the young man.
" know a lot of people look up to're a leader in your own might"
Benedict nodded stiffly. He was still very much bitter, he needed someone to vent his anger on very soon or else he lose his sanity. In this case the someone had to be Batholomew. He agreed with the elder and turned away slowly. His right hand man Phillip saluted Dé john and followed him loyally.
"That man has a lot of power and control" Dé John commented as they watched the backs of the young men. "Pa Kenneth...elder...are you listening to me?"
But Pà Kenneth wasn't listening; his eyes had a distant look in them. He was studying the young boy walking solemnly past the market stalls.
Could it be?
No it wasn't possible...
This young lad looked much more civilized....
Or were his eyes finally giving out on him?
He shook the thought from his mind but he couldn't help wondering that the young lad looked so much like the deceased dibia's aide.


Back in the hospital Amara's father very firmly insisted that they all go home and catch some sleep.
She had argued that it was already almost daybreak but her father had gotten angry and Amara had cut short her discussion with the European and gone home with her sister and Oluchi.
Now very early she was already out of the house. Oluchi, Joy and her father were all sleeping soundly in the house and she sneaked out and headed to the hospital with one thought on her mind: she had to check up on Osi.
She reminisced on what Steve had told her earlier in the hospital.
He had been framed. His wife had been raped and killed by his elder brother and so the DNA found at the crime scene had majorly matched his and he had become a fugitive overnight.
When she had inquired what had caused his brother commit such a terrible crime he had become reserved and seemed unwilling to answer the question.
At which point her father had returned from tongue lashing Doctor Ambrose and demanded they go home.
She didn't really care about Stevenson...her mind only had room for one person and that was Osi and she couldn't wait to see him. She hoped he was talking already...she would love to hear his voice.
She almost bumped into the young boy in her haste.
She almost snapped at first, but then she realized she was very much at fault.
So she apologised instead.
"Sorry boy...but watch where you're going next time...wait I know you"
He looked different but she was sure he was the one.
She had been with Osi when he had first approached the boy and as a matter of fact she had selected the sandals on his feet herself when they went shopping for new clothes for him.
"Jelemba? How are you? Where are you off to so early?"
The boy looked scared and studied his feet solemnly.
"Jelemba talk to me...what's wrong, where are you going?" Amara asked.
Jelemba seemed to have trouble remembering her at first. He squinted at her with a frown and frightened look but then he smiled shyly.
"Aunty...I'm looking for pastor...pastor Osi"
Amara smiled "I'm heading there myself, let's go together" she took his hand in hers "so you heard about what happened then?"
He looked at her with a blank expression "what happened aunty?"
Now it was Amara's turn to frown. She noticed the bible Jelemba gripped tightly but she didn't think the young boy only wanted to discuss scriptures. He seemed apprehensive.
"Jelemba...why do you want to see pastor Osi?" she asked
He opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted.
"Amara!" Pa Kenneth thundered from across the market square. He walked briskly to where they stood,
"Pa Kenneth otu'tu oma. (Good morning)"
"Morning dear...where's your father?" Pa Kenneth asked, but his eyes were on little Jelemba who Amara noticed had begun to squirm.
"Dé Nwachukwu is at home resting...he caught a little cold last night, he wasn't dressed properly"
"Oh...I'd pay him a visit later" pa Kenneth replied as Dé John approached them.
"Who is this young boy?" Pa Kenneth asked Amara.
"Oh...he's Jelemba, the medium- no I mean the former medium and aid to the dibia but he's a new person now"
"No wonder he looks so familiar" pa Kenneth squatted down until he was eye level with Jelemba and Amara couldn't help but marvel at Pa Kenneth's fitness...the ease at which he squatted down and moved.
"How are you you need anything?"
Jelemba shook his head. He seemed to have suddenly lost his voice.
Dé John cleared his throat. "Pa Ken, I've informed the town crier that there would be a meeting at the market square by noon today"
Pa Kenneth straightened up. He looked at the young boy a second too long before glancing at Amara who seemed oblivious to the tension that hung thickly in the air.
"Amara inform your father about the meeting by noon...but tell him he shouldn't bother if he doesn't feel too strong"
"Yes sir"
He looked at Jelemba again. "Dé John I'd like us to plan something for this young lad, his eduaction and his welfare...Amara bring him over later today"
"Yes sir"

Reverend Okorie focused intently on the trees as they flew past. He stared out the window not saying anything. His mind was far away.
" was the condition of the village when you people left it?" He asked him for what had to be the hundredth time.
"The villagers were happy...the man believed to be behind the crimes had been murdered two days before and it was a time for joy...they were full of praises for their gods"
"Hmmm....what really made Osita to remain" the Reverend muttered to himself.
"Sir we'd be there in the next ten to fifteen minutes" Samuel announced.

For the first time in a long time the Clinic was full of activity. People crowded the waiting room, walked down the narrow passages and even hung outside in the tiny compound.
They were there for the pastor. They had come to love him and they saw him as their hero.
Amara searched her friend Nkiru as they entered the hospital.
"I don't want to go to the elder" Jelemba said suddenly
"What?" Amara blinked at him "pa Kenneth? He's going to take care of you...he's a good leader"
"I don't want to go" the boy said firmly with his voice rising
"Okay okay...we'd talk about it later" Amara said as she saw her friend and signaled her.
" is he?"
The nurse smiled "he was awake few hours ago...he's still resting"
"Can I see him?"
"Yes of course...come with me"

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