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Disclaimer: I do not own the Maze Runner by James Dashner other than a few characters and some ideas in the book.

This book will contain spoilers for The Maze Runner series, and is purely based off the book, not the film. I strongly suggest reading the book before reading this fanfiction. You may also find spoilers about the rest of the series (books 1-3) in the comments section, so I suggest not reading the comments if you have not read all of these books.

Her Series Order:
Them (not yet released)

Dedicated to @madeofkay for the book cover. Any graphics in chapters will be either dedicated to the artist or not dedicated. In this case the graphic was made by me.

Please do not advertise your own work in the comments section. These comments will be deleted immediately, and further actions may be taken.

Her eyes flickered open, a sudden rush of pain flowing through her body as she stared into the pitch black void of emptiness above her. She abruptly sat up and lifted her left hand to her forehead, the victim of pain, and rubbed it as the pain dimmed. Her breaths were quick and uneven as she worriedly looked around her, her line of vision falling down extended corridors with their solid stone walls coated in thick ivy. They reached out beyond her vision, twisting and turning into even more pathways. The air was stale and cold, death lingering all around her.

Where am I?  She thought, millions of questions surging through her mind, but she couldn't answer any of them. Except one.

My name is Mara.

That was the only thing she could remember about herself; everything else was a blur. She could remember cities, not their names or what they looked like, but she could remember them. She remembered common knowledge, like what food was and its purpose, but not eating or who she ate with. She couldn't remember herself or people she knew. Not even their names or faces. But she did know that, wherever she was, she had been there before. She recognised it.

A loud sound of metal interrupted her thoughts, scraping and echoing through the night. Don't panic, she told herself. Panicking will make everything worse. She had to stay calm, but whatever that sound was, it didn't sound good at all.

Mara carefully rose to her feet and looked around. The distant metallic noises came from her right but the thing making the noise was not visible. Curiosity of the place she had found herself in overtook her sense of fear, so she looked up, examining the wall in front of her in detail.

It reached up into the sky, mixing with the solid colour of black in the sky until they were inseparable. At the centre of the wall hanging in the ivy was a human-like blob. Mara squinted to get a better look at it. Two arms, two legs, one head. Yes, it was definitely human.

Eventually her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she could tell that the human was a boy no older that eighteen. How old am I? She thought. It saddened her that she couldn't even remember her age.

The sound of metal grew stronger, closer. Mara certainly didn't feel like sticking around to greet whatever it was making that awful noises, but the boy on the wall intrigued her. Maybe he knew where they were, maybe he knew something about how she had lost most of her memory, or why. She needed a better look at the boy.

Mara walked over to the towering wall and wrapped her hands around the ivy. She pulled; it seemed sturdy enough to climb. She reached high up and grabbed the ivy, pulling herself up as far as she could. Then, she did the same thing with the opposite arm, balancing her feet on the perfectly cut stone bricks as she climbed.

Minutes passed as she flew up the wall to join the boy. Once she reached him she dangled in the ivy, tightly tying a piece of it around her torso so she could get a good look at this mysterious figure without falling back into the unknown pit below her.

She was secure in the ivy, so she reached out to the boy, lightly tapping his face to see if he was awake.

"Hello?" She whispered to him, but no reply came. The sound of her own voice surprised her, she thought she would have sounded different.

The boy was alive, but only just. What happened to him? She thought. How did he get this far up in the ivy if he was barely alive?

"Damn it." She muttered. The boy seemed unharmed, but acted like he was in immense pain. His eyes drooped and were just about open, staring into the wall in front of him with a weak surge of worry covering his paralysed face.

Mara looked up into the sky as the sounds of metal faded behind her. It was the middle of the night, somewhere between midnight and one in the morning, she assumed. Maybe earlier.

Her head snapped to the right as the sound of footsteps echoed through the walls, followed by a distant scream, replacing the previous metal screeching sounds which had faded into background noise.

She wasn't alone.

Hopefully whatever that metal sound was had found new prey. No, how could she think that? What was happening to her?

As she hung in the ivy the panic hit her, her breathing became jagged and rough. Oh shit. She thought.

She was having a panic attack.

Breathe Mara, breathe! She told herself the same thing over and over again. Was this common in her forgotten life? The pain of not breathing properly caught up to her and she began to feel dizzy. She had two options; stay where she was or try and make it to the ground.

Slowly, she untied the ivy around her waist with one hand, gripping onto the wall with her free hand and carefully balanced feet. Once the knot came loose, she regained her positioning so that she wouldn't fall as beads of sweat dripped down her body.

Her breath was still uncontrollable; she had to get to the ground. She would faint if she hung in that ivy any longer.

Mara let her left hand leave the ivy in order to grab onto a lower piece it, but her right hand slipped.

She fell backwards, the pain in her chest was unbearable, her breaths were unstable, her hands were too sweaty to grab a hold of the green ivy.

As she fell her right foot intertwined with the ivy; it wasn't going to budge. Suddenly, she swung backwards, hitting her head against the cold stone wall as she dangled upside down. Her blood rushed to her head as her breathing picked up in pace. She was hyperventilating.

The girl felt herself weakening. She struggled to keep awake as her breath slowed. Mara's eyes zipped shut, she tried to keep them open but she couldn't. She was unable to control her body.

She tried to call out for help, but no sound came from her lips. Then, everything froze. Blackness seeped through her head as she calmed. Her body stilled as she hung there sleeping.

What do you think?? Should I continue this as well as The Girl Who Lives or not?? Responses would be appreciated.Thanks :D

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