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Louis sat in the seat he had sat in the day before after school. He leaned back in his seat, pulled the cap off his pen, and waited for Mr. Styles to start speaking. In the meantime, he took the time to look at his teacher. Really look.

He never noticed the way Mr. Styles furrowed his eyebrows when he was confused. Or the way his hair was tousled so early in the morning; probably from sleeping in too late after a night of grading papers. Or the way he laughed with the kids that talked to him before the bell rang to signal the start of class. Or the way his teacher just seemed to be so perfect.

"Louis," Mr. Styles called.

Louis snapped out of his daze and found Mr. Styles staring at him from the front of the classroom, "Can you please point out all of the errors in this paragraph?"

Louis nodded and rose from his seat, trying hard not to trip over a backpack and fall flat on his face. He took the SmartBoard pen from Mr. Styles and began to make corrections. He stood awkwardly off to the side once he finished and Mr. Styles explained to the rest of the class why those corrections were right.

Mr. Styles thanked Louis and had him sit back down before he continued to explain the rest of the day. However, Louis was staring into space thinking about what Mr. Styles lips would feel like against his own.


He couldn't be feeling this way about his teacher.

No, no, no.

That is SO wrong.

Not to mention illegal.

Louis shook his head, arguing with his self in his head.

"You are such a perv."

"Oh whatever. He's perfect." 

"Just because you come around some 'perfect' person doesn't mean you should be thinking in such naughty, disgusting ways."

"You're a dickhead."

"Says yourself."

"We're only five-ish years apart."

"And prision is just a fun house."

"Again with the attitude?"

"I hope you realize you're having a non-verbal conversation with yourself."

"Shut up."

"Louis?" Mr. Styles questioned, giving him a confusing look, "Are you going to go to third?"

And Louis really wanted to say that he wanted to skip third and do naughty things to his teacher, but he decided he'd come off a bit strong and it would probably be very inappropriate for the learning environment.

Plus students were beginning to file in.

"Oh, yeah. Uhm, I'll see you after school, Mr. Styles," Louis rambled, collecting his things and running towards his third academic.

What was wrong with him?

"I really don't understand why you can't just leave the gallery and come out to dinner with me for one night," Harry complained over the phone. 

"Babe, please, I promised to have dinner with you and I will. I just really need to help Zayn out. He's having a lot of trouble printing things today and getting them put up. I need to help him," Liam replied. 

"I'm just asking for one night. Can't you guys do that stuff tomorrow?" 

Liam sighed before explaining, "Harry, we've been closed all day today due to this issue. We can't be closed another day, because it's bad for business."

"Well, I hope you remember tomorrow that you have a boyfriend that hasn't gotten that much attention lately. Seems to me he's become second place these days," Harry hung up in attempts to leave Liam speechless. Chances are Liam went right back to work, not caring at all about Harry's hurt feelings.

Knock, knock.

"Please, come in, Louis," Harry said as he massaged his temples and sighed.

"Is now a bad time?" Louis asked with a worried expression.

"No, no, it's fine. Please take a seat and we can get right to it."

Louis sat in his usual spot, still looking at his teacher in confusion, "Seriously, Mr. S, is something upsetting you?"

"Relationships suck."

"Trouble with the girlfriend, I see?"

"Boyfriend, but yes."

"Whoa, whoa. Boyfriend?"

Harry blushed, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Did he really just say that? 


"Okay," Louis leaned over his desk and folded his hands, "Tell me more about him and this whole relationship crisis."

Harry laughed at that, "Well, his name is Liam. He's pretty cool. He's a business-y man who works alongside his best friend."

"I'm sensing the best friend is the issue," Louis suggested.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Continue," Louis pushed.

"Well, Liam's just been spending so much time with his best friend and like, I suggested we go on a date tonight. But no. He's busy working and helping his BFF. There just seems to be no time for me anymore."

"Well, lucky for you I am an expert when it comes to relationships."

Harry raised an eyebrow, "You are now?"

"Yes," Louis nodded, "I know the in's and out's of them. I can show you the way."

"And what advice do you have to offer?" Harry asked leaning back in his seat, folding his arms. 

"I think you should dump his sorry ass!" Louis laughed.

"Louis Tomlinson!" Harry gasped, "I never expected you to say such a thing!"

"Believe it, Mister. Once you do that your life will be one-hundred times easier." 

"That's easy for you to say, you probably haven't been in a relationship for over two years." 

Louis stopped smirking and suddenly felt the past just coming to him a rush and knocking him off his feet.

"Y-yeah, you're right. Of course, you're the adult after all," Louis played it off like it was absolutely nothing.

"Eh, things will work out. Now about that english," Harry said with a smile.

If only Louis could muster one as well.


A.N. So it seems Mr. Louis is developing a crush!

Thanks for liking and commenting and suchness! You all are so amazing! :) Love you guys! -M

QUESTION: At the moment, who do you relate more to: Louis or Harry? (Just out of curiousity) 

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