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"Do you?" Harry asked, struck by reality. He never even thought of the possibility of Louis loving anyone else. Just the idea seemed so foreign and strange.


"Just please tell me the truth," Harry blurted. He was losing it, absolutely losing it and he had no clue what to do.

"I would if you would let me explain myself!" Louis yelled. His voice was quieter when he spoke up again, "I don't love him. Would I care if he died? Yes. But I will never love him. I love you, Harry. You bring me so much joy and you help me and you care. I love you so, so much; more than you'll ever know. So stop this. Stop being jealous or whatever. Stop thinking that I'll go back to him, because I won't. I have you and you are all I'll ever need, okay?"

"So you don't love him, because you made it seem like it was a lot more."

"No. He's only a friend, hell, he's not even that. He's just a person I used to know and I would still care for if he died. That's all."

Harry nodded, accepting Louis' response as the blue eyed boy moved closer to him and pulled him in for a hug, "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, too," Harry replied, kissingthe top of Louis' head, "I shouldn't have pushed you."

"And I shouldn't have gotten snappy and scared you like that. I...Let's just go home and have dinner and cuddle and kiss, because I really need to get out of here and I don't want to leave without you."

"Alright, okay. How does Panda sound?"

"I hope you're talking Express," Louis laughed, "Chinese sounds great." 


"He's a fucking idiot. I mean, if the girl's walking away from you, it's obvious that you need to go chase after her if you actually want this relationship to happen. This guy really doesn't get it, does he?" Louis rambled, shaking his chopsticks at the T.V.

"Maybe he doesn't understand the basics of relationships like you do," Harry answered from the kitchen where he was warming up his cold Chinese (they spent way too much time with the make up kisses).

"Well, he should definitely work on his social skills or his girl talk. Both would be great, but that would be asking too much," Louis finished by stuffing his face with more food, "he's stupid."

"Don't talk with your mouthful, Louis. It isn't polite."

"I can live my life the way I want, okay? Peasants don't have a say in what the Queen does."

"If the peasant is dating the Queen, then they should definitely have a say in the Queen's behavior," Harry playfully argued.

"Uhm, excuse me, but did you just sass me? Did you seriously just sass the Queen of Sass? I'm sorry, but you will have to be beheaded. No one dare sass the Queen of Sass for they will be punished!" Louis declared, getting up to chase Harry around the small kitchen and out into the living room.

"Louuu, you got orange chicken all over the couch," Harry complained.

"Too bad, sucka!" Louis jumped onto Harry's back and they fell onto the sticky mess left on the couch.

"I hate you so much right now."

Louis gave Harry a quick kiss, "you love me, don't even try to deny it."

"Well, I suppose you can behead me, but I will always be able to...tickle you!"

"No, no, no! Please, have mercy on me!" Louis screamed, trying to get away from Harry before he could begin the tickle-fest. But it was too late. Harry had pulled Louis onto the couch again and began tickling him before Louis could even think of where to run to.

Louis giggled and squealed, "please, ah, Harry! Please!"

"Nope, remember, I love those giggles."

"What if I...I said I love you? Would you stop?"

"Mmm, maybe, but it takes a kiss too."

"Fine, I love you, Harry," Louis sing-songed and he kissed Harry. Harry's hands stopped moving and instead held onto Louis waist. They gave short kisses for a while and then just laid there in silence. It was amazing, Harry thought, to be with the one you loved and have them in your arms.  


A.N. I decided we needed something short and fluffy so here you go! Can you believe there are only seven more chapters then there's the second book? Wow! I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything. And I don't think I could say it enough, you all are amazing! :) -M

DEDICATED TO: @indiemuse for leaving such a lovely prediction on the last chapter. ^-^

PERSONAL-ISH QUESTION: Pie without ice cream or pie with whip cream? (Or neither?)

STORY QUESTION: As the story is finishing up, what do you think could possibly happen in the next seven chapters? (I'm interested to see what you all have to say.)

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