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Harr was shocked, "yeah, you can tell me."

Louis just nodded and rose from his seat, beckoning Harry to follow him to the couch. They sat in silence for a few moments, Louis looking down at his hands as Harry waited patiently.

"When I was around five, my dad got me a Rubik's Cube for my birthday. He said that it was a fun puzzle and that he had one when he was younger. He added that it was one of his favorite activities and he'd play with it non-stop sometimes.

"I'd play with it when I got bored. I found it difficult, challenging and I think that was the point of it. Dad wanted me to keep busy. He wanted me doing things and thinking about multiple possibilities, which I suppose it could for a young child. You open their mind and they're able to see things in different perspectives or whatever.

"It wasn't until I turned seven that dad made sure I was more involved in sports and health. I was always doing a sport, no matter how much I hated it or how much it killed me to go to practice every other day. Then dad found the sport I was best at and I've stuck with it for then on out, at his order. Don't get me wrong, I love my team and the games, but I hate being the one with all of the attention. We're supposed to be a team. We're all supposed to get recognition for the things we do, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

"Anyways, when I was seven, Dad started to hammer me. He'd tell me all of the things I needed to work on, but would phrase it in a way that just tore me apart. He became one of those parents that has to have their child be good at everything and if they aren't then their kid is a disappointment," Louis explained, "So I spent the first few years learning how to properly dribble a soccer ball and how to pass properly, basically learning the ropes of everything.

"Things were rough. It seems that once I hit seven things just went down hill and Mom and Dad fight every single night. My siblings argue and bicker with each other over the dumbest things. My Dad feels the need to tell me every little flaw. He points out how I've gained weight and how I need to build more muscle and how I need to style my hair differently because how it is doesn't appeal to him. He yells and he screams and he hits me sometimes; when he's been drinking a lot and he can't control himself. He's just trying to feel happier by consuming the alcohol, but what he doesn't realize is that it's consuming him," Louis took a deep breath before adding on.

"The yelling and the scolding started when I was seven, ten years later it hasn't stopped. But the thing I found myself doing while Dad was on a rampage, throwing objects at walls, was playing with the Rubik's Cube he had given me. I found it oddly comforting and was able to find cheats to solve it faster than most people. And I'd take it to school and in the class I struggled in most, I'd start to play with it underneath my desk because it helped me focused. It helped me release stress. It was a sort of therapy.

"God, this sounds so silly and stupid and I've just wasted your time. And I don't know why I'm making such a big deal over this," Louis finished, sniffling a bit.

Harry didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say and he was beginning to think that Ed was wrong and that he was going to run away, but then he realized this is Louis.

This is his Louis who just shared everything with him.

This is his Louis who just put so much trust into him and he couldn't walk away. He couldn't avoid him. He couldn't do anything but pull him close to his chest, kiss the top of his head and just sit there.

"You're beautiful," Harry finally said, "you're so, so beautiful. You're so strong and independent and I love you. God, do I love you. I really don't think I can say it enough. Each day I fall more and more in love with you and I can't help it because you are so, so you. And that sounds terrible and I don't know why I keep rambling, but it's true. I know deep down that you are the one for me and at this point, I don't really care what anybody else thinks. I know that thought has always been in both of our minds, but we shouldn't care. You'll be heading off to college soon to play college ball and I'll be following you every step of the way."

Louis stared into Harry's eyes, "that's all I've ever wanted. I've only ever wanted to felt cared for and I thought I had that with Zayn. I thought that Zayn was all I needed. I thought that Zayn was the one and when I found out what happened, I was crushed, but I now know that everything was leading me to you," Louis smiled. "I believe that we were meant to be and I know I will do anything for you. I'll be by your side at all times, at all costs, even if I'm at college and you're here."

"Okay," Harry smiled, "okay. So you're alright?" Louis nodded in reply, "so does that mean we can have dinner now?" Louis nodded again and smiled wide, as if he had something else in mind, "what are you thinking?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll show you," Louis stated and he tickled Harry's sides before laying a kiss on his lips. Louis kissed Harry's forehead, cheeks, and nose. He giggled as he ran toward the table and sat waiting for Harry to get up and join him.

"You really are something else," Harry said, kissing Louis before sitting down himself.

"That's a good something else right?" Louis inquired.

"Most definitely."

"Good. Hey, Harry?"

"Yes?" Harry hummed, piling food onto his and Louis' plate.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Lou Boo."

Louis laughed, "you're so cheesy."

---A.N. Well, now we know the hidden meaning behind the Rubik's Cube! I hope it makes sense and that you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for all of your support and I appreciate all of your comments. :) -M

DEDICATED TO: @larry_cruise_! Check out her story "Blurry Picture" it's amazing! ^-^

PERSONAL-ISH QUESTION: Which do you prefer more reading or writing?

STORY QUESTION: If we now know about Louis' past, what do you think is held in Harry's past?

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